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(Malay's POV)
I woke up it was cold and I was tied up to a chair, probably to keep me from escaping but that ain't gonna stop me from getting back to my friends. Luckily they left the bag the only problem is that it was hanging in front of me.
Maybe if I remove my shoe and try to grab it with my foot.

I just gotta, *grunt*
Pull the thin string hard enough and,

The bag fell to the ground of the cage and a couple of things fell out, one of them was a knife which is just what I needed! I picked it up with my right foot threw it into the air and caught it with my hand. Cutting the rope wasn't as hard as trying to cut a string with your foot.

I managed to cut through the rope and remove the cloth on my mouth. I was relieved that I can finally speak. I was rummaging through my bag to find something that can get me out of this cage.
A couple of minutes passed by and I found a hairpin.

Unfortunately I don't know how to pick a lock with a hair pin. :(

After a couple of seconds later found a gun,
I could probably use it to shoot the lock until it falls. Finally I'm free! Im comming guys...


(Philip's POV)
I can't believe Malay is gone , it should've been me .We need to get him back.I began running, everyone had to chase me so they could keep up.I didn't stop though I wanted to get my best friend back.

We enetered the room only to find an empty cage and a couple of (now) unimportant items that was probably for the test. But Malay is gone and we have no idea where he i-
"GUYS!?"Someone said behind us ;

It was Malay!
It turns ou that he was just about to leave and go find us until I busted in to retrieve him.
I was relieved,until a dart was shot out from the hole in the wall, it barely missed Aussie ,after that we just ran towards the nearest exit.

(Nada's POV)
Eveyone was running towards the exit .Darts were being shot everywhere, I felt a sharp pain on my shoulder but I just ignored it,until we got out.
I felt faint and tired then everything went black. Before I fully fell unconscious I saw everyone else fall to the ground as well.

That was the last thing I saw

(Aussie's POV)
I don't know what happened bit everyone just passed out. I check them one by one each of them was hit by a dart.I don't really know if the dart has poison but I probabaly need to keep them safe while they are unconscious.

I then heard foot steps getting closer and closer,I began to panic,I called some of my trained animals(cause he brings them everywhere) to help me drag them to a dark corner of the room.
"This should keep us hidden" I thought
The foot steps got louder every passing second until he was right infront of me.

I can't believe it ,it was Scotland ,an old friend of mine that were one of the first people to go missing this month.
"The one and only"
"You were here the entire time?How long were you down here?"
"I'll explain everything later right now I need to get you and your friends out of here."Scot said
"What why?"i asked
"He is coming"

Sry it's short and if it ended on a cliffhanger again. I still need to think about what will happen in the next chapter cuz i got nothing. ;-;
Hopefully I can come up with something soon.
Got any ideas???

A Journy for Freedom Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora