Chapter 15

774 31 15

(Russia's POV)

Ok so here's the plan, we'll each be divided into three meaning that two groups would have five members each, including the leaders.

Each group would have a leader who is good at leading and coming up with strategies under mere pressure. Those people are skilled and experienced, namely: Martial, Japan, and me ." I announced loud and clear.

They nodded in agreement, all except one; America. A proud country that felt like he needed to be the leader at all times. But right now he has a short temper which would risk our chances of completing the task. And we don't need that.

"So I placed countries that are suited for the leaders, who would agree easily and whom the leaders can lead properly." I continued then have them the list.

Martial: Japan: Russia
1.Mexico. 1.Indonesia. 1.Ukraine
2.Australia. 2.Philippines. 2.Poland
3.Vietnam. 3.Malaysia. 3.America
4.Canada. 4.Britain. 4.Scotland

They suited up as Canada walked over to the door to press the button. He pushed it, then a loud clicking sound was heard.


And immediately 3 monsters jumped out of the room, roared at the dumbfounded countries as a warning, then ran in 3 opposite directions.

Phil quickly explained what these monsters were once he noticed everyone staring at him.
He said that those three monsters were known as myths, and according to those stories the monster was slane but somehow ended up here.

There were a cyclops, a Minotaur, and a Cerberus.
Since we didn't have time Phil only managed to explain their weakness and what to avoid before we were pulled in different directions by the group by some kind of claw.

My group however went in the direction from where the Minotaur ran.

Oh boy. I thought knowing that we were most likely to be squashed under the giant hoof of this mighty beast and would probably never see the light of day. But it was worth a shot.

We ran faster than we ever thought we could with Poland in the lead flying swiftly.
We managed to catch up with a senator and began our next move.

Poland brought out his Sabre and attempted to land a hit on the humongous beast, but only managed to give it a small cut. All it did was anger it, then it began to fight back.

Me, Ukraine, and America brought out our weapons and began executing our plan.
I and Ukraine distracted it with our weapons which made loud noises. I had already learned and explained the weakness of the Minotaur to my group. His weakness was that he wasn't very bright and is fairly emotional.

After I explained it we devised a plan using its weakness to its advantage.

While I and Ukraine were making loud noises we ran around the halls while America and Poland get ready to attack. We made the beast irritated, which just made him want to get us even more.

We ran and ran until I saw a small cave-like opening which was too small for the monster but vig enough for us to run into.

"Psst, Ukraine follows my lead," I whispered into her ear, she just nodded and followed my instructions carefully. We lead the monster around the hall until I decided to enter the hole, which luckily was when America and Piland finally came.

I and Ukraine ran into the entrance and stopped trying to catch our breath.
The Minotaur tried to follow but failed when entering, he only managed to get half his body through but the lower part, eh not so much.

We gave the signal to Poland and America which they noticed immediately, then without hesitation punctured the arm of the tired creature.

Then for good measure, Scot gave the final blow and killed the Minotaur.

We were Victorious, but I wonder how the others are doing.


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