Arc 2 Chapter 21: The CEO Is My Lover

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Sage looked indifferent as she spoke, it was as though she were talking about idle chat. If anyone else heard her they would be spitting out blood from her laid back attitude.

Rey was truly astonished upon hearing her words his usual cold face started to crack hearing such a ridiculous statement.

He was not the only one...

Jun had also been diligently listening in on the chat since the beginning.

Knowing that Sage would probably discover him again if he followed her, he had placed a small listening device on her jacket for insurance.

Although he knew it was wrong, Jun couldn't help himself as he felt deeply unsettled, desperately wishing to hear what Sage wanted to talk about with Rey.

If nothing else, he had hoped to catch some valuable information to later blackmail Rey. Who knew he wouldn't need such information.

Instead Sage actually fully turned down the man's love confession! However he couldn't celebrate yet.

As he listened on he became stunned with the accusations placed against him.

'What garbage is that man spewing!?'

He had never betrayed Sage, nor did he ever plan to!

He wanted to burst in but he was in his car a away from the restaurant.

He thought back to Zana, he felt sure that she had had something to do with it!

He didn't care what others thought about him or false rumors but he was terrified of what Sage thought. Sage was the only one he wanted to never misunderstand him.

If she ever despised him he felt as though living was pointless.

However Sage's next words deeply moved his heart. She easily dispelled the accusations and even defended him!

His heart completely shook hearing her words.

In his life he was always hated and blamed for everything, no one had ever taken his side before, let alone defended him!

Her next words also completely stunned him. 

She claimed that the next to inherit V-tech would be him...

He was completely speechless as his heartbeat rapidly sped up. He couldn't understand Sage.

All his life he always felt as though the world was against him, no one ever loved or cared about him, he was always alone surrounded by darkness.

For some reason he never expected anything different, rather, he felt as though it had always been this way, and forever would be...

Yet, just when he had completely lost it, she showed up.

At first he was sarcastic and yelled at the beauty to leave but instead of leaving like everyone else, she stayed, outreaching her hand and promising to save him.

Of course he didn't believe her at that time but after awhile she succeeded in all that she promised, far exceeding his expectations.

She gave him a large home, an enviable job and salary, and allowed him to stay by her side.

Although she was emotionless, he enjoyed her company and over time he realized that when she spoke to him, and him alone, her voice held a subtle hint of gentleness.

For him, it was the first time that someone had treated him so kind.

Now, to top it all off, she was even giving him her company...? He couldn't understand her reasoning but his cold soul was really starting to thaw as his black eyes slowly brightened.

Truthfully, he didn't care one bit about inheriting the company, he didn't need such a thing, he would rather Sage keep it so he could forever be by her side as secretary. 

All he wanted was to forever be together with Sage.

If he could have anything, that would be his one wish.

As he thought this, he felt a twinge of pain in his soul. As though it were warning him that such a wish was impossible, but before he could dwell on the strange feeling, his phone rang.


"This is Sage. I'm gonna need you to pick me up."

While Jun had been lost in thought Sage had ruthlessly finished her dinner meeting with the shocked Rey.

Afterwards she had said her final goodbye and coldly walked out of the restaurant. Now that he had a broken heart he wouldn't pose a threat.

Walking out, at first she was gonna call a taxi but then she decided it would be more interesting to call Jun.

She surmised that he was still probably close by while he had been listening in on her conversation.

At first she had thought about speaking right into the mic to get him to come but instead she decided to be nice and play dumb, calling his cell phone instead.

Through Rey, she had learned that Jun didn't actually plan to betray her by siding with Rey.

If he had, then Rey would not have been so willing to throw him under the bus.

She surmised that it was probably the FL's doing with sharing the info. Once she got home she would arrange for an arrest warrant for the stealing of information. 

She couldn't understand why Jun loved listening in on her meetings, but since he wasn't planning to betray her for the time being, she decided to let it go and forgive Jun for his spying tendencies.

That didn't mean she wouldn't tease him a bit though...

As she called Jun he seemed a bit dazed but eagerly agreed to picking her up. Just as she predicted, within a couple minutes he pulled up.

Sage couldn't help teasing Jun as she got in the car. 

"Hmm, that was pretty fast... Were you perhaps in the area already?"

Jun quickly fell out of his dazed happy state and instead started stuttering. "...Yes, I-I had a few errands... to do in the area...."

"Also, how did you know to pick me up here? I never told you I was at Sunrise restaurant..."

This time Jun's face started growing terribly pale as he continued to mumble. "I... I was..."

Looking at the blood drain from the man's terrified face, Sage decided to give the man a lifeline.

 "Oh, now that I think about it, I must have mentioned on the phone that I was at this restaurant... right?

Immediately Jun straightened out. "Yes, that's right!"

"Ah, I see. Still, you aren't inquiring why I'm not still at work but instead at a restaurant?" After all she had previously told Jun she was working late.

"No, I don't need to know, I trust you..." This time Jun gained a little more bravery as he blatantly lied.

Sage eyes lightly laughed at the shameless man who dared to spew words of trust after tagging his boss with a listening device.

Still she played ignorant as she decided to fully let him off the hook. "Hmmm, I see..."

That night Sage was given her fill of all her favorite foods.

*Desert Note: Since this was an extra long chapter (could have been three chapters with it's word count!) I will not be posting Monday.

But stay tuned for the next chapter, it's one of my favorites for this Arc so hopefully you enjoy! (Or perhaps I shouldn't hype it up in case my tastes are weird...)

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