Arc 2 Chapter 6: The CEO Is My Lover

Start from the beginning

"What? We...!? B-but I'm a man and you-you're a..."


"Well, tw-two unmarried adults...Male and Female...Some-someone might get the wrong idea...A-and..." Jun started to fumble around with his words as his face grew red. 

Although he was an adult, due to his childhood, he had never wished to get close to anyone. This resulted in him never pursuing any romantic relationships. So he was truly too pure as his handsome suave face started turning a deep crimson.

"It will be easier this way." Sage coldly proclaimed, failing to mind the mans inner struggle, she left no room for argument.

For her it made more sense this way. 

After all, if he were to be her cook it would be a hassle if he lived somewhere else. 

Furthermore in their last life he was fine living with her, she saw no reason for him not to comply in this life either. 

If Jun was really opposed then she wouldn't force it, but she simply saw no reason to be against it. 

This was the modern era, people wouldn't judge for simple things like this anymore.

Promptly the two entered the apartment complex as Jun no longer seemed to argue.

"I forgot to ask earlier... but can you cook...? The Villains monotone voice emotionlessly asked while her eyes betrayed her as they lightly shone for just a second.

Surprised upon hearing Sage's question, Jun immediately nodded. "Yes, I can cook. In University while I was getting my degree, each year I took a chef program."

Thinking about it, Jun had never been sure why, but when he was younger he had had a desperate urge to cook. He felt as though cooking would bring something important back to him. But even when it didn't he still felt at peace whenever he was making food. 

Upon entering university he tried to take all the cooking courses available to him in order to gain more skills, he was obsessed. 

Cooking also became his one relaxing pastime, he felt content making food.

Yet, even before learning to cook he already knew many of the techniques and was regarded as a prodigy chef. He could have become a top grade chef too, there was only one thing preventing it, whenever he made a meal he never let anyone else eat it. 

"This isn't meant for you!" he would coldly say.

The even more bizarre thing was that he himself would also rarely eat his own meals. The few times he did eat his cooking, he always felt unsatisfied, like his skills weren't on par or perhaps like there was something missing...

"Good." Sage's monotone voice broke Jun from his thoughts.

"Is that all you wanted to know?"


"...Oh..." Jun was surprised, what kind of woman only asked a man if they could cook before letting them into her house?

"Now I'm sure you must be tired so you may rest now, tomorrow will be a busy day as you learn the requirements for becoming my secretary." After Sage spoke she calmly showed Jun to his room.

The apartment was quite large, Sage had made a decent wage being the former secretary of Sinergy-Tech. 

However although it was large there was still only a few rooms, this lead Jun's room to be on the opposite side of Sage's.

Hesitantly Jun went into his large room. Although his head still told him to get as far away from the strange beauty as he could, he already decided to accept the fact that this was going to be his new home and his new room.

Upon walking in he was surprised by the rooms size, he truly hadn't known what to expect from the unknown woman who had picked him up but now his cold heart started to thaw a little as he looked around. 

However, as he thought this, he quickly snapped himself out of it, reminding himself not to get too attached. 

People often betrayed one another, so he shouldn't expect too much from the strange beauty. No, if anything he should be more cautious around her, his soul warned, for she was truly dangerous his mind warned before slowly drifting off.

*Desert Note: Here's another long chapter ໒( ◕ヮ◕)〜⊹ hope you liked, here's a fun little tidbit,  Sinergy-tech should be spelled Synergy with a y but I decided to spell it with an I so it's Sin instead of Syn. Not really important or anything, just thought it was a fun detail.

Also poor Jun, he's in over his head...

Jun: *silently repeating in head* 'I won't fall in love, I won't fall in love!' *Clenching fist with resolute eyes*

The Villain: Emotionlessly, "Jun, I need you, come here."

Jun: "Right away my dear! What do you need?! I'll do anything you want or get you anything you need!"

The Villain: "..."

Jun: "..."

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