{Day by Day} by sehunsbabe on AFF

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This is my first cover request for an AFF story so I'm pretty nervous :>

I wasn't sure whether to go with more on dark or happy cause you said something dramatic so I thought about something dark. 

If you want me to redo this please feel free to tell me~ cause I feel like I need to do a happier version for this cover or something cause that was what you requested in the first place .-.

It's not much but I hope you like it anyway :(

I'm not that good at editing than other (better) graphic shops out there so.. :/

If you see this by the way message me on my twitter too (@4D_Tae) because I don't know if you can contact me on wattpad since you told me to only message you through twitter.

(HD cover in external link -->)

-Avery *crawls in a hole*

AVERY x CHAN {{GRAPHIC SHOP}}Where stories live. Discover now