{Love Hate} by pl4yboy

235 17 10

@pl4yboy Voila~ here's your cover!

I didn't know what to add to the cover to make it more comedy-like so I just made it simple.

I hope you like it!

It's really colorful and bright—erm—-but nonetheless, I hope you still like it ^^"

There's an addition to the 4th batch of requests as well.

"Gaze" by @seoulicity!

Again I'm sorry for being stupid and not reviewing your request properly *rubs head*

Please follow the rules!

HD link to cover in the comments!

FORMS OF PAYMENT: (must follow)

• Vote (<— new rule)

• Follow (optional)

• Dedication

• Credit

(If you decide to not use my cover for your book then, at least, use it as a poster on one of your chapters and provide the required credit)

If you fail to follow any of my rules and fail to fulfill the required payment then I will have to delete your cover from the shop.

-Avery *singing* Even if you're tired, make sure you eat all your meals. Then I'll compliment you later~

GUYS DO YOU KNOW ZION.T? You know, that guy with the perfect eargasmic voice that can bring world peace and the one who writes songs that have so much meaning and soul you'll never get disappointed when he releases a new one? Yeah. That Zion.T.

His new song "EAT" is so beautiful. YOu guys should definitely go check it out and check the meaning behind the lyrics as well.

AVERY x CHAN {{GRAPHIC SHOP}}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ