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Haha yeah it's earlier than expected XD Actually my laptop isn't completely fixed and a it's still a bit buggy but photoshop and my internet is functional so I thought, "Fudge it, I miss editing too much."

So voila~ My graphic shop is officially reopened and accepting requests~ ^^

Refer to my rules page to make a request!

But I'd like to say that my updates will be abit slower than before since I can't over use my laptop because, again, it's still not in fully good condition.

But please bear with me. I've missed some requests before but recently my email inbox was wiped clean by accident (actually my lil bro was playing with my laptop and, unfortunately, my email was open at that time so he misclicked something and deleted all my emails in my inbox). SO all the requests I received before are no longer with me and I have no way to retrieve them TT_TT

But please feel free to request again~ 

I know I'm a painfully slow ass author, but yes, sir, I'm one of a kind~

Yes, I just quoted GD. Got a problem? Haha just kidding. AND HAVE YOU SEEN GDxYB's "Good Boy" MV yet? HAVE YOU? CAUSE IF YOU HAVEN'T YOU HAVE NOT LIVED. SRSLY.

Oh and I've been fangirling over iKON (ALOT) recently and I'll be accepting requests for them if there are any. (Please let there be requests for them cause Kim Hanbin, Kim Jiwon and Kim Jinhwan are just UGH <3)

Anyways, I guess that's it? 

Let's start anew together, neh? *reaches hand out to you* (Damn here comes my 'cheesy romance author' side again XD)

-Avery *starts dancing the gorilla dance* SINOSIJAK! (Only iKON fans will understand)

AVERY x CHAN {{GRAPHIC SHOP}}Where stories live. Discover now