{Marooned} by _THELeiacorn_

415 19 6

I am not even gonna try and weasel my way out of this one. *shrinks in corner*

I really do apologize for the very very long delay. 

I feel very terrible that you've been waiting so long for me to finish your request :(

You see your request slipped my mind because I had tons of requests recently and I've been juggling between finishing each and every one of them carefully so that they wouldn't be rushed.

To those people who requested please bear with me~ I already receive at least 2 to 3 requests a day so I'm trying to do my best to finish all of them.

But still this is unacceptable so, @_THELeiacorn_,  you are welcome to hit me. *bows*


HD cover in the external link ----> 

And I really hope you like it~

-Avery xx

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