{Marriage on Paper} by ohsnapitzclauds

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I couldn't stick to all white with this one cause I thought it'd look too plain for a bubble cover, so I threw in some blue and and pink in the mix.

EXO'S LOVE ME RIGHT CAME OUT AT MIDNIGHT LAST NIGHT AND I HAVEN'T BEEN ABLE TO FUNCTION PROPERLY SINCE THEN. I've seriously been talking to myself (fangirling with myself) like a lunatic for the whole day. I've been watching the MV over and over again with different waves of emotion going through my system. One time I'm all giggly and cooing at their cuteness, another time I'm screaming and slapping myself at all their sexual movements and lack of clothing (I'm looking at you, Lay. Wear a damn shirt under that jacket for the love of all that's sane), another time I'm crying like a baby cause I'm just so proud of how far they've gone after everything they've been through (and maybe I was also crying because of the lack of members TT_TT)

I also downloaded and listened to their new tracks from the repackaged album and guys, the last song "Promise" just killed me. Not my ovaries, not my body but my fcking heart and soul. Once I looked up the english translation of the song I cried even harder. To think that they even thought of making a song for EXO-L after all the sh!t they've been through last year. I was honestly speechless (aside from my ugly sobbing). I guess I kept everything in once the other members left and tried to be strong for the boys but once I heard this song I just cracked. I love these guys so much and I'll always be rooting for them even when I'm old and have back aches from old age.


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-Avery *more ugly sobbing*

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