Chapter 26

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I can't even tell you how mad Regina was at me that I didn't go back to the academy. She basically yelled for the first few days but in the end she was glad with the decision I made, which is good because about 2 weeks after thanksgiving she went into labor with our baby. Before we left the house I called her doctor and hospital to tell them we were coming over and then I drove her over there. They took us into the back right away and the ER doctor gave Regina a quick check over and called to make sure our delivery room was ready for us. Then we were taken up and all the medical staff got us all comfortable in our room so Regina could give birth to our baby.  Dr. O'Hara comes in and gives Regina a full exam and my wife is only 6 centimeters dilated and said we had a little time before the baby. Regina was all hooked up to the monitors and the doctor said everything looked fine. It was about 2 hours later when she was finally time for our baby to be born. The birth seemed to be both, taking forever and a blur. I held Regina's hand the whole time and tried to give her all the encouragement I could. She had a hard time but in the end our baby was finally here with us. We heard the the first cry and I cut the umbilical cord. It was one of the best moments of my life. The doctor handed the baby to Regina and we all snuggled together. "Oh Emma look at her. She's absolutely beautiful my love".   "She definitely is babe. Looks like we have ourselves a little princess now".  I say then kiss her and the baby.   We only have a few minutes together with our daughter before the nurse comes over to take her and clean her all up because the pediatrician is on the way to check her over. When she came in she congratulated us then went to the baby. "Hello little one. Welcome to the world. I'll be your Doctor now that you are here with us. I hope you don't mind but I have to check you out a bit to make sure that you are doing well".  Our newborn makes no sound, making me think she's probably asleep. The doctor seems to do a usual check up and soon enough she was back in Regina's arms. All the medical staff left us alone so we could have some time with our daughter. "Would you like to hold her dear?"   "Yes I would like that very much". I say with a smile. I gently take her from Regina and held her close. "It's crazy isn't babe?"   "What's crazy dear?"   "This time last year we hadn't even met each other yet and now we're together, married and we a daughter. It's crazy how life can work out sometimes".   "That's very true my love".  We share a few more moments together when a nurse came in to check on us. "How's everything going in here?"   I'm the first to speak. "I'm a little tired but then again I didn't just deliver a baby".  Regina and the nurse chuckle a bit. "That's wonderful to hear. How are you feeling Mrs. Swan, how is your pain?"   "Oh my pain, she just said she was tired".  Regina laughs as she looks at me.  "Wow. That's funny babe. Hahaha".   I say and both her and the nurse laugh. " I'm actually feeling ok. I'm not in a lot of pain right now, I'm just feeling uncomfortable I guess".   "Ok well your doctor will be in soon to check you over and then she'll probably order something for you to help with that feeling. So how has this little one been?"  I said.   "She's been great. She's pretty much slept the whole time".   "That's wonderful. I hope you mommies don't mind if I take her for a little while who we can give her a bath and change her into some comfy pajamas".  Regina and I both nod and I say. "Ok just don't get her mixed up with all the other babies. We kinda want what we came in with".  Regina just rolls her eyes and shakes her head. "I promise I won't. My next question is does she have name yet? I'm only asking so we can put it on her wristband".  I look at my wife and she nods. "Yes we do have a name for her. This here is  McKenzie Swan".  "That's very beautiful. I like it".   She takes out a little pocket computer type thing and starts typing in all info for the baby. She asked the spelling of our daughters name and sent it over to the nursery desk so they could make her the wristband. She said that she'd be back in a little while and wheeled the baby away.  Once we were alone again I carefully got into bed with my wife and snuggled next to her. "Are you really feeling ok babe? Cause your doctor can get you something".  "I'm fine right now. They gave me something to help with the delivery. Maybe when that's gone I'll need something more".  I kiss her lips and we both take a quick nap because it wasn't long before the doctor came in to examine Regina. She said that Regina seemed fine in the vaginal area and just recommend that she definitely take it very easy for the next few weeks and no sex. The doctor looked at me when she said that. "What? I know nothing can happen for a while. We'll be fine".  Regina slaps me in the arm and says. "Emma be nice".   "I am nice. I love you Regina. I would never want to hurt you in anyway at all".  She pulls me close so she can kiss me. "I know my love and thank you".  The doctor stands up and before she leaves she tells Regina that she'll order some pain relievers for her and that she'll check back in a few hours. With the baby at the nursery and us being alone we tried to get some rest. It didn't last long though because my parents showed up. I texted my dad to tell him that he's a grandpa. He's back with my mom but things haven't been the same between us since she kicked me out, but at least we are civil with each other. They brought a few  presents with them including a very nice pajama set for the baby. Regina hit the nurse call button so we can get our daughter brought back to us so my parents can see her and of course they absolutely loved her. For the first time in a long time my mother actually seemed genuine when saying she was so happy for me and my wife. Throughout the day and early evening we had a few friends visit. It was really nice to see everyone be there for us. I never left the hospital because I couldn't be away from my wife and daughter. We eventually were home 2 days after McKenzie was born. It was so wonderful having her home and inside her crib. We also have a bassinet set up in our bedroom for whenever we want her in our room, which I think will be most of the time. Once we were home I posted a note on the door asking to not be disturbed and I shut mine and Regina's phones off. I wanted no interruptions for a few days. Everything my wife and I are going through is all new to us and I wanted to give us time to adjust. luckily it worked and the 3 of us were able to spend the first week alone.

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