Chapter 14

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I ring her door bell 5 minutes before 8 o'clock and I hear her say. "Just a second".  The sound of her voice drives me crazy. I stand there at her front door holding the bouquet of flowers I got for her.  She opens the door and smiles at me. "Hi Emma. Please come in. I'm almost ready".  I walk in and she closes the door behind me. "Here Regina. I got these for you. I hope you like them".  "Emma they are absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much". I follow her into the kitchen and she puts them in a nice vase with water. "These are beautiful Emma. Thank you again. I just need to put my shoes on and then we can leave".  I nod and follow her back out into the foyer. She put on her nice stiletto heels and says she's ready to go. I help her put on her coat and I walk her out to my car. I open the door for her and she gets in. I get in on the drivers side and lock us in. "So I was thinking about Italian food for dinner is that ok with you? We can really get anything you want. I'm sure my kid probably wants something greasy".  She laughs and says. "I think Italian would be fine tonight. The baby hasn't wanted anything special yet".   "Ok great".  I start the car and drive us over to Antonio's Italian Restaurant. It's way on the other side of town but the food is so good.  we are seated in a nice quiet area next to a window that looks out over the ocean. Our waiter came over and asked if we would like to start out with a drink. We each got a ginger ale and he said he would be right back. "Emma you could have gotten a beer or wine instead of a soda".   "I know but I need to be responsible and not drink and drive especially when I'm driving precious cargo around".   She chuckles a bit and says.  "I don't know if I should be honored or angry at what you just said". She's still smiling so hopefully she's not mad. "I'm sorry Regina I didn't mean anything by it".  "I know relax dear. I'm just messing with you and your choice of words. In the future I do suggest you really rethink before you call me cargo the later I get in this pregnancy".  I blushed and said. "Well I also used the word precious".  We both laugh. The waiter comes back with our sodas and asks if we knew what we wanted. We got an appetizer of bruschetta and for dinner Regina ordered the chicken marsala and I got the shrimp and lobster fettuccine Alfredo. While we ate our bruschetta I said. "I hope it's ok that I told my parents about us".   "That depends on what you said to them". She says and takes a bite of the appetizer. "Well I was honest with them about everything. They did freak out a bit especially my mother, but in the end they were happy. My parents cried when I showed them the photo of the ultrasound".   "They did?"   "Yeah. It was nice. I actually look at it all the time. I have it in a frame on my nightstand. I took a picture of it with my phone and now it's my lock screen photo".  "That's very sweet Emma. I'm really glad that you are taking all this so well. Most people your age probably would have skipped town by now but you seem genuinely excited".   "I am Regina, I truly am. I can't wait for every moment that we can share together with our child".  She was about to take another bite but she puts the bruschetta down on her plate. I can see she's trying to hide the fact that she's crying. I reach across the table and hold her hand. "Regina I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you".  She squeezes my hand and says. "I'm not upset Emma I'm so happy".   "You are?"  "Yes I am because even though this all happened because of some drunken night I realize that fate or whatever it is could not have picked a better partner for me to raise this child with".  Now it's my turn for a few tears. "Thank you for that Regina."   We just smile at each other and then the waiter comes over with our entrées. "Excuse me ladies, here are your dinners". We moved our appetizer plates to the side and he placed our dinners down in front us. We thanked him and he left us to enjoy our dinner. She doesn't seem to want to eat. She just keeps moving the food around with her fork. "Are you ok Regina?  If you want we could just have them pack everything up and go to your place and watch a movie or, oh I don't know Regina. I just want you to be comfortable".    "Emma would you be upset if I said that I'd like to go home, put on some pajamas, eat and spend time with you?"   "No Regina I wouldn't be upset at all. I just need to stop and get some pajamas to wear as we eat and watch a movie". She kisses me. "Thank you Emma. This all look delicious but I'd like to eat all this in front of the tv with you and if I may be so blunt I'd really like to spend the night in your arms as I fall asleep".  "I don't mind your bluntness at all babe". I take hold of one of her hands and lift it to my lips. I gently kiss her knuckles and place our hands back down on the table but I don't let go of her hand. I look around and after a moment I see our waiter and motion him to come over. When her arrives I say. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience but can we get everything wrapped up please?  We really need to get going".  "It's not an inconvenience at all. Just let me grab a tray and I'll take everything to box it up for you. Did you want anything else to go, dessert perhaps?"   Regina nods enthusiastically and I smile. "Sure dessert sounds wonderful. How about some tiramisu and...". As I'm trying to think Regina blurts out. "I'd like a double order of chocolate cannolis please". I have a big smile on my face and I chuckle a little. "Well there ya go, you heard the lady sir. We'll take those desserts, our dinners and the rest of the appetizer to go please".   "Not a problem, I'll be right back". He puts everything on the tray and walks into the kitchen. Not even 5 minutes later he comes back with everything in 3 bags. "Since you wanted all this to go I assumed that you wanted the tab".  I say yes please. He hands me the tab book. I open it and put it down on the table to get my wallet out of my back pocket. Just then Regina grabs the book. "This is on me Emma". I pull it back. "Absolutely not. I asked you out. Everyone knows the person that asks you out pays for everything". I put my credit card in the book and hold it away from Regina.  "Emma please just let me do this tonight. You can have the next date".   "Nope. Sorry Regina. I asked you. I have plans for the future so tonight's dinner will not run my account dry".  Just then the waiter comes over and asks if we are all set. I said yes and asked him to run my card. "Emma why didn't you let me pay for this dinner?"  The waiter came back to let me sign the receipt and of course I left a good tip. I took my card and gave him back the book with our tab. "Thank you ladies. I hope you have enjoyed your experience with us tonight. I appreciate being able to serve you both. I hope you enjoy the rest of the evening".  Regina and I both thanked him. We stood up and gathered everything and we walked out to my car. I opened the back door of the car and put all the bags in, then I opened the door for Regina. She got in and I made sure her seatbelt was secure. I closed her door and jogged over to the driver's side and got in. "So your place Regina?"   "Yes my love please".  She leans in and gives me a kiss. It was just a kiss but the feel of her lips on mine was just amazing.
Once we got to Regina's home I walked her inside first. She protested of course saying that she could help me with the take takeout bags but I told her to just go upstairs to her bedroom and get comfortable like she wanted. We kiss and she starts to walk up the stairs. I turn around and run back to my car and I gather all the to go bags. Once I'm back in the house I close and lock the front door. I take everything to the kitchen and start opening the bags. The first one I open is the 2 orders of chocolate cannolis and the tiramisu. I put those in the fridge and opened the other bags. I left the hot food in the island counter, I threw away the togo bags, then I grabbed my bag with the clothes in it and went to change in the downstairs bathroom. I put on my sweatpants and a t-shirt. When I walked back into the kitchen I saw Regina eating some more of the bruschetta. She mumbles a "Hi " my way which makes me laugh. I walk over and kiss her cheek then I have some bruschetta for myself.  "Mmm. Gina this is so delicious. I can see me having cravings for this again soon".   "Emma dear. I don't think pregnancy cravings work like that. Usually it's the one that's pregnant has the cravings".  She says with a laugh.  "Babe just let me have have this will ya?"   I say laughing back. Before we both took our next bite Regina stops me by putting her hand gently on mine. "What's wrong Regina, are you ok?"   "Yes I'm fine but do you realize what you just called me?"   I look at her with a confused look. "You called me babe a few times tonight and..... I really liked it. I liked it a lot my love".  We kiss on the lips. "I liked it to Regina and I hope I get to use it more in the future and I wouldn't mind at all hearing you refer to me as 'My Love' more as well".  We kiss and it's very beautiful and passionate till Regina pulls away and puts both hands on her belly. "Oh god".   "Babe what's wrong?"  "Emma it's".  She stops speaking and she's crying.  "Babe what is it, come on I'll take you to the hospital".  I take her hand and to go but she doesn't move. "Emma no it's ok. I promise you. I'm fine. I just".  She stops speaking again and cries a little more. "Emma my love, I just felt our baby move for the first time. It felt wonderful Emma. Our baby just moved". 

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