Chapter 19

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After our nap we took a shower together and Regina helped me clean up the room a bit. I was just there one night and I didn't have many clothes with me, so once everything was done I took my bag and Regina and I went downstairs and over to the diner to get something to eat.  I also said thank you to Granny for letting me stay last night and giving me a great opportunity here. When I told her I'd be staying with Regina for a little while she was very happy for me. She wished me well and asked if I could come in the day after tomorrow for my first bookkeeping shift. I said definitely. She told me come in between 9 and 10 in the morning. I agreed and gave her a hug. I walked back out to have lunch with Regina. After we eat she paid the tab, after she stole it away from me, then we went over to her house. We walk through the front door together and stand in the foyer. "So what's first?"  I ask.  "Well since we just had some lunch I suppose we could go over to the hardware store so I can get some new keys made for you and then maybe if you want we can go get some more of your things at your parents place".  I wasn't to keen on going back to parents place, especially with Regina. I just don't want her to be there when and if my mother starts on me again. Regina can see my facial expression change and asks what's wrong. "Regina as much as I would love you to come help me gather my stuff, I think I really need to face them myself".   "It's ok dear I understand".  I give her kiss and say. "I think I need to get this over with now. So I'm gonna go over and grab some more clothes and a few other things and I'll be back ok?"  She gives me a kiss. "Of course my love call me if you need anything".  I nod and give her another kiss and I leave to go to my parents place.
I open the apartment door and see my parents sitting on the couch. The both stand as I walk through the door and close it back up. "Emma your home. This is wonderful".  "No mom I'm not back. I'm just here to get some more clothes and a few other things. I'm sorry but it may take me a few days to get all my stuff out of here".  My dad says. "Emma, your mom and I talked and she and I want you to take all the time you want. You don't need to leave here sweetheart. We'd like it if you would decide to stay".  I look at both of them and they seem sincere. "Thanks but I really do need to grow up some time and that time is now. I've already got a job and a good place to stay till I can get an apartment of my own for me and my child. So excuse me I need to pack up".  I don't wait for a reply. I just turn around and run upstairs to my room. I take the suitcase and a few duffel bags out of my closet and load them up. I have my every day clothes all packed along with my  toiletries and some of my keepsakes. I put the bags over my shoulder take hold of the suitcase and walk back downstairs. Both my parents are looking at me with sad eyes and my dad asks. "Emma are you sure you want to do this?"  "Yes dad. This is definitely what I need to do. I gotta go now. I still have to unpack and hopefully get some studying in".  My dad gives me a hug and says. "Ok Emma. I love you. Call me if you need anything".  "I will dad. And thank you".  My mom on the other hand was more colder. I'm not sure if she was trying to hide her feelings or if she really didn't care if I left. She never said a word and just looked at me as I walked out the door.  I drove back over to Regina's and took my things inside.  When I closed the door door I heard her say. "Emma, sweetheart is that you?"   "Yeah babe it's me. I'm back".  She walks out of the kitchen wiping her hands off on a dish towel. "Welcome home my love how did everything go?"  I put my suitcase and duffel bags down on the floor and kiss her lips. "It went, I guess better than I thought it would. My parents where home and my dad told me that they had talked and asked to stay and live there".   "Can we take this into the kitchen?  I have some sauce on the stove".  I nod and I follow her into the kitchen. "Would you mind if I have a beer?"  She smiles and looks at me. "Of course not dear, please help yourself".  I grab a beer and sit on one of the island stools. "So you said your parents asked you to stay?"   "Yeah. My dad did all the talking but my mom did seem somewhat ok with what he was saying. I ended up telling them that this is what I wanted and needed to do right now. Then I went upstairs to pack most of my clothes and stuff. I do still have a few things there so I do have to go back but I have almost all of my clothes. When I left my dad said he loved me and to call if I needed anything, my mother on the other hand said nothing and barely looked at me when I left".  "Sweetheart I'm so sorry".  "It's not your fault Regina. My mother acts in strange ways sometimes. In the beginning it seemed like she wanted me to stay but when I was leaving she just had such a cold look to her".  "May I ask how you feel about that Emma?"   "Well I'm glad I'm not staying there tonight". I say with a laugh but Regina only smiles. She turns around and starts to stir the sauce that was cooking. I get up and put my arms around her waist. I kissed her cheek and said. "I'm sorry babe. I guess I honestly feel like I'm definitely doing the right thing". We both sat on the island stools and we held hands. "The first part of this may bother you and I really don't want you to feel that way cause the ending is happy I promise.  All those days that you never called or texted me and then you handed me the divorce papers to sign it was such shock because I thought you and I had gotten somewhere as, I don't know a couple starting a new relationship or something but those papers where just like a knife that ended everything and it hurt and it sucked. I didn't get out of bed for days after. I wouldn't eat or talk to anyone. I just felt like a part of me died and I was willing to let it swallow me whole. Then Ruby showed up and said I should talk to you. I don't know why I agreed. Maybe it was because I hoped for a second chance maybe. I can definitely tell you that I wasn't expecting to hear the news of a baby but I'm more than happy that we are having a child together so please don't think otherwise, and it feels like we are getting a second chance and this is exactly where I want to be. I want to be here with you and our baby".  I gently squeeze her hand and put my other hand on her belly and caress it. I look into Regina's eyes and see they are watery so I give her a kiss. "So you really are ok with being here?"  "No I'm not ok, I'm better thank ok with being here. There isn't anything I want more than to be here with you and our baby". We kiss again and then we start to hear a weird bubbling sound. We look over to the stove and the sauce is bubbling over. "Oh shit". Regina says and gets up quickly. She takes it off the burner and says. "Oh what the fuck. Why? Damn it".  "I'm sorry babe. I was rambling on and it's my fault that your sauce burned".   "It's ok. It's not that bad. I can still save the sauce for the lasagna that I'm hoping we can have for dinner ".  She scrapped off the worst parts on the top the sauce and she added a few more herbs and spices and I gave it a taste test and it was absolutely delicious. "Babe this is just how I love it. It's nice and sweet. I can't wait to eat this lasagna that you are making for us tonight".  She smiles and blushes a bit. I helped her prepare the big pan lasagna. When she put the pan in the oven and set the timer she asks me if I wanted help unpacking what I brought over from my parents place. I said that I would love it. I carried everything upstairs and we walked into Regina's bedroom. She already made room for me in the closet and the dressers so we both either put stuff in the closet or in the dresser. The few keepsakes I brought with me Regina helped me place the around the house. When we were done we stood in the foyer and we both smiled. She grabs my cheeks and gives me a kiss on the lips then says. "Welcome home my love".  I kiss her again. "It's so good to be here". We just hugged for a bit before Regina looked at me and says. "We still have about a half hour till our dinner is done would you like to study a little?"    "Yeah I probably should. I'll go up and get my books". We kiss and I run upstairs and get my academy textbook and my notebook. When I came back downstairs we sat at the dinning room table. Regina started to read as I took notes. The oven timer eventually went off and Regina went to take it out. We let it set for about 15 minutes. We had dinner and then she helped me to study more. Later on that night we took a relaxing bath together and got ready for bed. We laid in bed and snuggled close as we fell asleep.

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