Chapter 13

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I parked in front of Granny's and when I walked up to the door it was already locked. I saw Ruby fixing and cleaning off the tables so I knocked. "Sorry we're closed".  Ruby calls out without looking. I knock again. "Rubes it's me. Can I come in please?"   She stops wiping down a table and says. "We're closed Emma. It's been a long day".  "Ruby please let me in. I'd like to talk".   "You haven't talked to me in months Emma, what's so special about wanting to talk now?"   "I want to apologize Ruby".  "Thanks Emma. Your forgiven. Now go live your happy life".  "Ruby please?"  She throws the towel down on the table. "Damn it Emma. I don't want to talk".  "Please Ruby just hear me out and then I'll leave. Please it's starting to rain out here".  "Fine". She stomps over to the door and unlocks it and goes back to the table she was cleaning.   "So speak Emma. Get it over with".  "Your mad at me I know that but I am truly sorry for the way I acted. It wasn't just you I shut out it was also my parents. Losing Regina really tore me apart Ruby and I'm sorry I shut you out. You have been my best friend since I was 14 and you are the only reason why I came back here to talk to her tonight. I know Regina told you she was pregnant and I hope she agrees with me because I'd really like you to be the godmother of our child. I love you Rubes and I'm sorry that I was such an asshole. I just felt so awful and I didn't want anyone around me at that time. Please say you can try to forgive me".   She's quiet for a moment and she doesn't look at me. "You really hurt me Emma. I was so worried about you. I was afraid you'd do something stupid like take a bottle of pills or something".   "I'm sorry Rubes. I wouldn't have done that because I would have missed you and my parents, plus I'm gonna be a mom Rubes. Can you believe it?"   "That's really great Ems. I'm happy for you".  "Thanks. Hey did Regina show you the ultrasound picture?"   "No".   I pull the picture out of my pocket and hand it to her. "Oh Emma. It's really real. Your gonna have a baby. Oh my god".  "Yup and I can't wait. Regina also told me she never filed the divorce papers. We're still married Rubes. She didn't want to do it. She wants to try to work things out and we are going on a date tomorrow night".   "Emma that's great".  She gives me a hug.   "So can we move on from this and be best friends again?"  She smiles and looks at me. "I guess so Ems. No one else babysits me like you do when we go out on the town".  We both laugh and hug again. "So you want a beer?"   "I would love one".  Ruby goes behind the counter and grabs 2 beers and pours 2 shots of tequila. "Come on over Emma. We gotta toast to you having a baby mama".  We both laugh. "My mother used those same words to describe Regina tonight".  She lifts her glass. "To a happy future for you Emma".  I lift my glass and we clink them together, then we shoot them back. I end up helping her clean the tables and resetting them. We made sure all the kitchen equipment was turned off and all the doors were locked then we sat at the counter and had a few more beers and more tequila. We talked just like we used to. It was great. It was like the last few months never happened. By the time 3am rolled around we really needed to call it a night. Ruby just has to go into the next room and upstairs to her bedroom at Granny's B&B but I have to drive a few blocks. Luckily I know that tonight I've had to much to drink and I shouldn't drive so I called my dad. I hated to wake him but he said he was on his way to pick me up. Ruby and I are sitting out on the stairs when he shows up. He gets out of the truck and walks over to us. "Hi daddy. Thank you for coming to get me. I just wanted to get home safely".  "I'm glad you called. Are you ready to go?"  "Yup". Me and Ruby stand up and hug. Dad and I watch her walk into the B&B and we here the door lock. He helps me down the stairs and he walks me to the truck. On the way home I apologized to him for getting drunk. He said it was ok because he was happy that I didn't drive and that I had enough sense to call him for a ride. We get home and he walks me to my bedroom and then he goes back to bed. I ended up sleeping in my clothes. I woke up a few hours later because I had to pee and I felt like shit. I'm glad I don't have to meet Regina till 8 tonight. Before I went to the bathroom I stripped down to my boxers and a tank top. After I relieved myself and washed my hands I got right back in bed. Later on that morning I hear banging on my door. It scares the hell out of me. The door opens and it's my mom. "Emma Swan wake up now".  "What's wrong mom?"   "Oh I'll tell you what is wrong. The same day you find out that you are still married and you are about to have a child you go out and get drunk like an irresponsible teenager. How are you ever going to raise a child like that?"  "Mom chill out. Ruby and I were just having fun".  "Having fun is fine Emma but you are about to become a parent and you don't even have a job. You just turned 22 and you still live with your parents. What kind of an example do you think you can set for this child?"  I sit up in my bed.  "Fine mom I'll find a job and my own place. Happy?"   "No Emma I'm not. Just because you got money from that lawsuit doesn't mean it will last forever, especially when you are raising a child. Do you expect Regina to pay for everything?"   "No mom I don't. Why are you being such a bitch right now?"   "Emma don't you dear call me that again". I see tears forming in her eyes. "You have 2 weeks to find your own place and move out. Your father and I are not supporting you any longer".  She walks out of my room slamming the door. "What the fuck was that?"  I ask myself out loud and I lay back down and try to fall asleep but I can't. After about an hour I get out of bed, take a few aspirin and go take a shower. After I get dressed I go downstairs and leave the apartment without saying bye to my mom.  I stop over at the sheriffs department to see my dad. He wasn't to busy so I sat and talked with him. "So dad what do I need to do to become a deputy like you?"   "Em are you serious, you want to be an officer?"   "Yes dad I do. I always have for as long as I can remember".   "Wow. Ok. Well you have to pass a test, go through the academy training and if you pass through the academy you apply to a few places and hopefully you get something close to home, and it just so happens that Deputy Paul Williams will be retiring this summer. He's worked over 30 years so he says it's time. Maybe if you ace the test and do well at the academy who knows there just may be a spot for you".   "Oh wow dad that would be great. I'd love that. I'll definitely do all I can to study hard and do my best. I promise".   "I know you will sweetheart. Let me know if you need any help".   "Ok thanks. So what's my first step?"   "Well I suggest you get a current copy of the police academy book and study it for a while. Then find out when the next test is being held and go take the test".   "It sounds so simple dad".  "Yeah it does but you really need to ace that test Emma. There are people out there that have been studying this for years".  "Ok dad thanks. I understand. I'll stop over at the academy today and get a book. Thanks for your help. Oh by the way I'll be moving out soon".  I start to walk away. "Wait. What are you talking about?"   "Mom was pissed that I got drunk last night. I've done that like 3 times since I've turned 21 and now she's freaking out because I don't have a job and I still live with you guys".  "Em. You can take all the time you want to move out. Find the right place so when your kid stays over they have a safe place to sleep".  I give him a hug. "Thanks dad. I'm gonna go get an academy book, I'll see you at home soon. Love you".  "I love you too Emma". I leave the station a drive 45 minutes away to the academy. I get a book and find out when the next test is. It's in 6 weeks so I don't have much time to study, find an apartment, move and get a job all at the same time, but I'm gonna have a kid in a few months so I have to do what I need to. I get home and see my mom. I just say hey and run up to my room. I'm not in the mood to talk to her. She basically threw me out so whatever. I read over the book a little and a few hours later I hear my mother telling me it's time for dinner.  I don't answer her and I don't join them for dinner. I have a date with Regina tonight and I don't want any dinner but after about 10 minutes of me not going down to eat there is a knock on my bedroom door. "Em can I come in?"  It's my dad.  "Sure dad".  He opens the door. "Dinner is ready sweetheart".   "I have a date with Regina in a little while. I told mom that last night but I don't think she cares, beside I'm not really in the mood for her company right now".   "Emma I'm sure she didn't mean whatever she said said to you".  "Dad you know what?  I really don't care what she meant. I have so much going on in my head. Yesterday afternoon I felt terrible like my world was going to end then I find out I'm going to have a baby and that I'm still married. I already knew I needed to make major changes in my life for my child and my wife. I also needed to make amends with Ruby. I thought at least I'd have 24 hours to talk to Ruby and make a list of things I needed to get done, but I guess mom didn't like that".   "David, Emma the food is getting cold".  My mom yells from downstairs. "We can talk later dad. I wanna read a bit more before I get ready for my date. Thanks for the talk though". He gives me a hug. "I'm always here to talk Emma whenever you need me. I love you".  "I love you to dad". We hug again and he leaves the room. I study a bit more and take some notes then I go take a shower and get dressed into something nice. I make sure my teeth are brushed and my hair is nice and I leave the apartment without a word and go have my date with Regina.

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