Chapter 25

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Last night we went to bed early so I ended up waking up early. I'm still holding Regina in my arms and I smile. I take a deep breath and I can smell all her body washes, lotions and perfumes. Her body is so warm and comforting. I'm so happy right now that I wonder if we can actually start referring to each other as a married couple. I gently pull Regina closer to me and kiss the side of her neck. I thought she was still sleeping but I hear her hum and she says softly. "Good morning my love. I hope you slept well because I finally did".  I kiss the side of her neck again and say. "Yeah I did and I'm so sorry for everything that happened yesterday. I don't know why I....".  Regina rolls over to face me and puts her hand over my mouth to stop me from talking. "It's ok my love. Yesterday is over. Today we can start anew". She leans in to kiss me and I smile into the kiss. She pulls away quickly and says. "Ohh. Relax baby. No need to kick mommy so hard".  She's rubbing her belly. "Are you ok?"   Yeah I'm fine. I think our baby just wanted some attention".  "I can I feel it?"   "Of course my love".  She takes my hand and places it where she felt the kick. I've only been able to feel it kick 2 or 3 times as the baby is growing. I have wait a few minutes but I eventually feel what I've been waiting for. I feel a little kick to the palm of my hand and I smile. "I take it you felt that my love".  "Yeah I did. It's just so amazing".   We laid there for a while and just enjoyed being in the moment together. I never took my hand off her belly and she had her hand on top of mine. After a little while longer of quietness I started to speak. "May I ask you something that's been on my mind lately?  It's not really that big of deal I'm just...".  I get stopped in the middle of my rambling. "Get to the point my love before this baby arrives". She says with a smile.  "Well I was just wondering how you see us?"   "I'm not sure what you mean".   "I just mean that even though we are married we've only been dating and actually living together for the last 3 months, how do you think of us? Are we sort of  "girlfriends" so to speak or are we not at that point yet?"   "Well your mind has been busy hasn't it?"  I chuckle a little.  "I'm sorry to say that I haven't actually spent that much time thinking about it. I've just loved all this time that we are spending together and sharing our lives together". She stops speaking and I can see that she's thinking. It doesn't take long till she speaks again. "I think that everything we've been doing the last few months have been pretty much what a married couple does. So I guess that I've been going along with it and I'm ok with that. Actually I'm more than ok. I love it in fact. I'm very proud to think of you as my wife and to have you has my wife".  We both smile and kiss.  "How about you Emma, how do you think of us?"   "Since the moment I found out we were married I was scared and I loved it at the same time. When you gave me the divorce papers I signed them because I love you enough to let you go if that's what you wanted to be happy. Then thank god things worked out and here we are now. In all that time I never once thought of you as anything other than my wife and I still feel that now".  She gives me a big smile and her watery eyes shine.  She kisses me again and leans over to her nightstand and opens the draw. She pulls something out and rolls back over to me. "I've been waiting for the right time to do this so since we've been talking about it. Is it ok if I wear these again?"   She shows me her engagement ring and wedding ring.  "I'd like that very much".  "Would you please put them back on my finger please Emma?"   "I'd be very happy to Regina".   First I place the engagement ring on then the wedding band.  I kiss her hand then her lips.  "They look beautiful Regina. They seem to really belong there".   "They do my love. I hope they never come off again".  We kiss and snuggle together for a while and then she asks. "Emma may I ask what ever happened to your ring?"    "For the longest time I kept it. I wore it almost all the time. One night I just felt so angry and hated everything about myself. I kept saying that everything that happened was all my fault. I was upset and crying, I pulled the ring off and threw it as hard as I could across the room".   "I'm sorry about all that Emma. If you like we can go shopping for another one if you want to wear one".   "When we decided to move in together I actually found it. It landed in one of sneakers in the closet". I say with a little laugh. "I couldn't have done that if I tried". I laugh some more. I move over to open my nightstand draw and take out my ring. I hand it to Regina. "Could you please put this back on me babe?"   She takes the ring and slides it on my finger".  I look at it and say. "I've missed wearing this so much. Thank you babe". We kiss and continue holding each other and we fell to sleep.
Over the next few weeks we lived our happy married life. I've been working at Granny's a lot and at the same time studying and helping Regina when she started her new job at the local elementary school. She told them right from the beginning that she was pregnant and would need some time off in the future. They were fine with that. She started out as a teachers assistant because she was going to be out after the baby was born but she really liked it. She said it was very different from teaching college kids but she loved to see the light in their eyes when they get something correct. With all that going on she still helped me study and I took my police academy test then I had to wait for the results and information on what happens next. 2 weeks after the test I was basically going crazy. If I fail this test everything I've worked for and everything that Regina did to help me would be for nothing. At the start of the 3rd week I was going out of my mind. I was so cranky that Regina stayed away from me as much as she could, which also pissed me off.  As we were cleaning up the kitchen from our lunch we heard the door bell ring. "I'll get it my love". She dries her hands and goes to the front door. She comes back a few minutes later and says. "My love it was a special delivery for you".  I turn around quickly and see that she's holding a big envelope.  "Do you know who it's from?"   She looks and says. "It's from the police academy".   "Oh god it's here".  She hands it to me and I take it with a shaky hand.  I feel like my mind has stopped all function. "Maybe we should sit my love".  I nod and she walks me to the table. We both sit and I let out a deep breath. "Shit Regina this is it".   I slowly start to open the envelope and pull out the papers from inside. I quickly skim over the first page.  I start to cry. Regina rubs my back and comforts me.  "Emma it's ok. You can keep studying and you'll get it next time my love".  I hand her the papers. She reads them over and looks at me. "Emma oh my god. You got a 97 percent on the test. It says here that it was the highest score of all the tests. Sweetheart thats amazing. I knew you could do it. I'm so proud my love".  She kisses me and I say.  "I couldn't have done this without you. Thank you so much for all the help you gave me".   "You did all the work my love. So let's see what's going to happen next".  We both read over all the papers. I can start at the academy 3 weeks from now. I should also call the academy HR  representative. I really need to let them know about, well me. "Oh man I can't believe this. When I was younger it seemed everything that happened to me was almost always bad but this is just... wow. Ever since I met you my Regina my life has been so much better. Thank you. I love you so much babe".  We kiss. "I love you too my love".  After I told HR everything about myself as far as how I was born and my wife being due within the next 7 weeks or so everything was all set for me to start training. I spent the first 2 weeks at the barracks Regina came up to visit every time we were able to have some free time to see family. Her first visit made me cry so much because I hadn't realized how much I've missed her. We had lunch together in the cafeteria and we talked about her the whole time. I wanted to know everything like how she was feeling and sleeping and eating. She laughed at me a little and said that everything was wonderful. We both couldn't wait till I was able to come home for the thanksgiving holiday.
When I did come home for thanksgiving, Regina looked like she was about ready to pop like that little pop up timer that they put in the turkey so you know when it's done. I was able to spend 5 days at home and I just knew I couldn't go back to the academy and leave her alone. She has trouble getting out of bed and getting dressed. She's tired all the time. I really need to be here for my wife and child right now. After my first 3 days I decided to call HR and explained that I needed to leave and that I Hope I'd be welcomed back for the next training session. They called me back the next day and said they understood and would definitely welcome me back because it's not every day that they get grades like mine. They said they would call a few weeks before the next training session and that was it. I stayed home for when it was time to have the baby.

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