Chapter 7

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I walk back into my room and flop down into a chair. I don't hear or see Ruby which is fine. I really don't want to explain what went on over in Regina's room. 10 seconds later and hear the click of the lock and the door opens. "Ems your back. How did things go?"  Ruby walked in carrying bags. The girls must have went shopping. She sets the bags down on the floor in the corner and comes to sit down on the couch near me. "It was ok".  "Just ok? Come on Emma tell me everything".  "Fine. Regina's friend Katherine showed up. She knows we're married and she's happy for us. She made us watch the wedding video and Regina got a little emotional. Katherine invited me to her wedding tomorrow but I don't think Regina wants me to go. She's really scared about losing her job which I understand. She's worked for years to become a teacher and she could lose everything if they find out about us so I told her we can end the marriage if she wants. She's going to call me when she hears from her lawyer".  "That sucks. I'm sorry Emma. Is there anything I can do?"   "No thanks. You know she wanted to give me her rings back but I wouldn't take them. I told her that when I gave them to her it was because I wanted her to have them. So I want her to keep them".   "You really like her don't you?"   "Yeah I really do Ruby but I respect her more than anything. When I told her about me she didn't freak out or even look at me strange. She just said nothing could happen because she's my teacher. She's a really wonderful woman Ruby".   "Hey Ems, what if she wasn't your teacher".  "What do you mean?"   "What if you transfer out of her class. I know you really want to be a deputy police officer just like your dad. Just transfer out of her class".  "I don't know Ruby. I'm leaving this all up to her now. I'll do whatever she decides".  A few minutes later I stand up. "Ruby I'm totally exhausted and I need to get some sleep. I'll check in with you later ok?"   "Ok Em. Get some rest".  She gives me a hug. "I love you Emma and I know things will work out just right".  I go into the bathroom and  relieve myself. I take off my shoes, socks and shirt. I wash my hands and face and brush my teeth and get into bed. I plug my phone in to be charged and as soon as my head hits the pillow I basically pass out so I didn't see Ruby take my phone and text Regina. I'll have to ask her how she knew my passcode. She pretended to be me and asked Regina to talk in her room for a minute. She said she forgot the room number and Regina gave it to her. Ruby quietly put my phone back on the charger and left to go see Regina.

Ruby's POV

I knocked on the door and a moment later it opened.  "Miss Lucas what can I do for you?"   "I apologize Miss Mills  but it was me that texted you from Emma's phone. I just wanted to talk to you for a moment".  "Please come in".   I walk in and sit on the couch.  "I know this isn't any of my business but Emma is my cousin and best friend so I'd just like to speak on her behalf before you do anything you both will regret".  "Ok Miss Lucas tell me what you have to say".   "Can I call you Regina?"  She nods. "Thanks and please call me Ruby. I don't know if you know this but Emma has had a thing for you from the moment she first saw you".   "Thank you Ruby but I do know about Miss Swans  feelings. I may even have some feelings for her but in reality we don't even know each other".   "I understand that Regina but please just give her a chance. I already suggested that if you weren't her teacher you both could pursue a relationship. She only took the writing course because me. She really wants to be a cop one day. If she wasn't your student then it wouldn't be a bad thing right and you wouldn't get in trouble right?"   "Ruby there is so much more to it than that. We were so drunk that we don't remember anything. How can we start a life like that?"   "You both need to take things slowly. Just because your married doesn't mean you live together and sleep together right away.  You both need to get to know each other better. Just give Emma a chance. She's an amazing person".  Regina doesn't really say anything yet so I stand up. "Ok well I said what I came here to say. I just hope you give her a chance. I see your still wearing the wedding rings".  I start to walk up the door.  "Wait Ruby please. Do you think Emma would go to my friends wedding with so we could spend some time with each other?"   "Yes I definitely think she would".   "Ok thank you for coming to talk to me. I'll talk to my friend Katherine and then I'll ask Emma if she would like to join me at her wedding".  I smile as I walk out of the room and go back to mine and Emma's room.

Back to Emma's POV

When I went to sleep it was still light out but now I see as I awaken that's it dark. I have no idea what time it is. I pick up my phone from the nightstand and push the button. It's almost 915pm. I have a missed call and 2 text messages from Regina, aka "Wifey"  I unlock my phone and look at the messages. She's inviting me to the wedding tomorrow. I answer her text as I write. "I wouldn't mind joining you for Kats wedding. Sorry I'm just getting back to you I fell asleep".  I moment later she writes back. "It's ok dear the wedding is at 3pm. If you could call me at noon that would be great. We may need you to walk me down the isle. And no that's not why I'm asking you to join us".  I write back.   "Lol Regina. It's ok. It's your best friends wedding and I'll do whatever is needed to help. I'm just wondering what I should wear to the wedding".   "It's a casual wedding so something nice will do".  "Ok I can do that. I'll probably have to buy something though, any chance you'd like to help me pick something out?"   "Sure that sounds nice. There are a few clothing stores open all night we can go now if you'd like".  "Ok give me about a half to take a shower and get dressed?"  "No problem. Just call me when you are ready". 

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