Chapter 12

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After we had dinner I walked Regina to her car. We agreed to go on a date tomorrow night and I'd pick her up at 8 o'clock. After she drove away I got into my car and drove back to the apartment. I walked in and my parents were watching tv. We all said hello and I went into the kitchen for a beer. I took a few sips and thought about telling my parents everything. I walk into the living room and sit in the chair opposite my parents who were on the couch. "Did you have a nice time while you were out sweetie".  "Yeah dad, mom about that. I think I should tell you about what's been going on. I'm sorry I've been so closed off lately and there is a reason".  My dad shuts the tv off and I have their full attention.  "When we were in Atlantic City I met up with someone in the casino. I had known her for a few months before then. We ended up getting very drunk and spending the night together".  "Oh no Emma you didn't, thats so irresponsible".  "I know mom but there is more. We found out the next morning that we got married and neither of us remembered anything".   "Your not serious. You would never do something like that. I know my daughter".  "Mom please just listen because there is more. The woman I married was my teacher at the university".  "WHAT??"   Both my parents yelled out at the same time. "Yes my college professor. She was really freaked out that we were married because she could lose her job if they were to fine out she was in a relationship with one of her students. Anyway while we were both still in Atlantic City we spent time together and got to know each other a little bit. When she came back to Storybrooke she freaked out again that we would be found out so she had papers drawn up to get a divorce".  "Well thank goodness. No need to have your whole life ruined because of a drunken mistake".   "Yeah thanks for that mom. After we signed the papers I never went back to class again and that's why I've been a mess for the last few months. I had, I have real feelings for her and my heart was just broken".  I start to get a little chocked up so my dad comes over to console me.  "I'm sorry sweetheart. You should have told us. Maybe it would have helped you to talk about it".    "Thanks dad. The reason Ruby came over today was because she said I need to get in touch with this woman I married. She said it was important so that's who I met a Granny's a little while ago".  I'm quiet for a moment and my mother asks.  "Emma what is it?"   "Ahh well it looks like you two are going to be grandparents".  There is silence in the room again and my dad asks. "Is it yours Emma?"   "She said it was mine and I believe her".  My mother stands up and start to pace the living room.  "This is ridiculous Emma. We raised you to be more responsible than this. Now this woman says shes pregnant with your child. She's only after your money Emma".  I stand up immediately. "No she's not mom. She's not that kind of woman. She doesn't need my money she comes from a rich family".  "Well I hope you'll be getting a DNA test".  "Mom just stop it ok. I believe her. Now you both don't have to be happy about it but the least you could do is support me on this".  "We do sweetie. I think your mom is worried for you. Of course we'll be here for whatever you need".  My mom just looks at me and shakes her head.  "Thanks dad. I know the next part will make mom completely lose it. It seems she never filed the divorce papers so we are still married and we've decided that we are going to start dating".  My mom says. "I need to sit down".  I go sit next to her. "Mom please don't think of this as a bad thing. You and dad are gonna be grandparents. There will be a beautiful baby running around here soon".  She cracks a little smile at the thought. I pull the ultrasound picture out of my pocket and show it to her. "This is your grand baby".  She takes the picture and starts to cry, my dad walks over and takes a look and it looks like he wants to cry as well. My mom hugs me. "Emma this baby is so beautiful". I laugh a little. "How can you tell?"  "I can tell because it's my grandchild".  "Thanks mom. Thanks dad. I love you guys".  "And we love you sweetheart".  They both hug me. Once things settle dow my mom asks me. "So Emma are we allowed to know the name of your baby mama?"   "Wow mom really". I laugh and shake my head. "Ok I'm sorry. So what's the name of your wife?"  "Her name is Regina Mills and you should probably know she's a few years older than me".  "How much older Emma?"  My dad asks a little concerned.  "She's 27. So it's not that much older".   "Ok that's not to bad. I was afraid that you were going to say she was in her 40s or something".  "No dad it's fine. She's really a great person. When I first told her about me she never treated me any differently".  "Emma you said her last name is Mills?"   "Yeah mom".  "Do you know anything about her family?"  "She told me her parents were in politics. I think her dad was like a mayor or something".  "David I think I remember the Mills from when we were kids. What's his name Harold or something? He was the mayor and his wife was like a goody two shoes".    "Regina told me that her fathers name is Henry and her mother is Cora I believe".   "Harold/Henry whatever Emma. I just remember her father being a nice man and a great mayor for this town. Her mother on the other hand is a hard ass".   "Mom language". I said with a laugh.  "It's the truth sweetie. She wasn't a nice woman. She thought she was better than every one else, which is kinda funny since she was born and raised here with no money of her own. Her fathers family were the ones that had the money and her mother definitely used it to her advantage. I hope Regina isn't like that Emma".  "She's not mom. Like I said she's a great woman".   "Well when do we get to meet her?"   "Mom I would love for you guys to meet her right away but could you wait a while till we establish some kind of a deeper relationship?"   "Of course sweetheart. I'll make dinner for all of us whenever you think it's the right time".  "Thanks mom. Thanks dad".  I give them both a hug. "Hey I'm gonna go back out for a little while. I need to try to make things up to Ruby. She's my best friend and I wouldn't even talk to her for months. She should be getting off shift soon so hopefully we can talk".  I hug them both again then I leave the apartment and head back to Granny's.

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