Day 28: Doing Something Rediculous

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"Shit, Cas run!" Dean yells, grabbing Castiel's hand and bolting out of the store.

"You said you were sure it was here!" Cas hisses, looking back at the security guards chasing them.

"Well, I was wrong." Dean pants in reply as he pushes through the crowds with The ex-angel right behind him.

"Dean, they're catching up." He says. The hunter turns to face in the same direction as Cas and doesn't notice the fountain and causing him to topple in, Cas falling on top of him, soaking them both. The mall cops catch up and drag the pair to the security office and pushing them into the small cell in the corner.

"Son of a bitch." Dean mutters, running a hand through his damp hair.

"This is your fault." Cas says, glaring at him. Dean ignores his husband and walks up the the front of the cell.

"I have rights! Where's my call?" He yells. The security officer grumbles something to himself before standing up and handing Dean his phone. Dean presses a few buttons before bringing the cell to his ear.

"Hello?" Sam asks.

"Hey Sammy.... Can you come pick me and Cas up?" Dean asks, glancing over at Castiel.

"Where are you?" Sam sighs.

"In the security office at the mall..." Dean mutters. Sam starts laughing.

"Just shut up and come get us." He snaps before hanging up. Sam quickly makes his way to the mall and collects his brother and Cas and gets them out of the cell.

"What did you do?" Sam asks as they pile in the car.

"I thought the cashier was the shifter." He mutters, slamming the door. Sam starts laughing again.

"Shut up Sammy."

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