Day 20: Dancing

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"First the mic then a half cigarette
Singing 'Cathy's Clown' That's the man she's married to now That's the girl that he takes around town." Castiel laughs as Dean glides around the room with him, Waltz #2 by Elliott Smith playing softly as they dance around the room.

"She appears composed so she is, I suppose who can really tell? She shows no emotion at all Stares into space like a dead china doll." Dean smiles and pulls Castiel a bit closer as they move through the room.

"I'm never gonna know you now but I'm gonna love you anyhow." They press their foreheads together and continue dancing, looking into each other's eyes as they made their way around the room.

"I'm never gonna know you now but I'm gonna love you anyhow I'm never gonna know you now but I'm gonna love you anyhow I'm never gonna know you now but I'm gonna love you anyhow." They come to a stop just as the song does and Dean presses a kiss on Cas' lips.

"I love you."

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