Day 7: Cosplaying

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"A bets a bet Dean." Sam says smirking at his older brother who is glaring at him from the other side of the room wearing an Elsa costume.

"You cheated.

"You're just bad at poker."

"Shut up Sammy." He mutters, crossing his arms as Cas walks out as Anna.

"I don't understand, who am I dressed as again?" He asks. Sam howls with laughter and Dean continues glaring.

"Hey, why don't you stop pouting and get into character, you never know, it could be fun." Sam snickers. Dean grins.

"Yeah that's a great idea Sammy." He then starts singing an extremely horrific off key version of let it go, making sure to dramatize his every move. Both Sam and Cas wince.

"Okay, okay! You guys can take the costumes off just please stop singing!"

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