Day 6: Wearing Each Others Clothes

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"Is that my shirt?" Dean asks, raising an eyebrow at Castiel who looks down at his clothes.

"Yeah... Do you want me to take it off?" He asks. Dean shakes his head.

"No, you can keep it on." He says standing up and walking across the room where Cas' coat is strewn across the sofa. He grins and pulls it on.

"Hey look, I'm Castiel." He says grinning. Cas rolls his eyes while Dean strikes a pose.

"I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition." He says trying to imitate Castiel's voice.

"I do not sound like that." Cas says crossing his arms.

"Finding a human vessel durable enough to contain me is not easy" He says trying to imitate Cas again.

"I have that same problem with women." Cas says in his best Dean voice. They both start laughing and by the time they've recovered, Sam walks into the room and starts laughing.

"You look like a flasher."

"Shut up Sam."

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