Day 27: On One Of Their Birthdays

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"Can I look now?" Dean asks trying to pull Cas' hands away. The ex-angel sighs.

"Not yet." He says, pressing his lips against Dean's back. Dean groans and crosses his arms as they walk.

"Okay now." He uncovers Dean's eyes. Cas walks out in front of him and holds up two pairs of skates.

"Cas, I don't know how to skate..." Dean says bluntly. Cas giggles.

"Shut up and take the damn skates." Castiel replies holding out a pair. Dean sighs and grabs the skates.

"Why are we doing this?" He grumbles, lacing up his skates.

"Because it's your birthday and I have plans for you." Cas replies, helping a wobbly Dean onto his feet.

"Yeah, whatever Cas." He mumbles as he gets lead onto the ice, Castiel gripping both of his hands as he slowly pulls Dean along with him, neither of them paying attention to the couples gliding around them.

"Okay, I think your starting to get the hang of it." Cas laughs, pulling his hunter closer.

"I love you." Cas whispers.

"I love you too Angel." Dean replies pecking Castiel's nose.

"Happy birthday Dean."

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