Day 14: Genderswapped

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"Dean!" Cass shakes him and the hunter lets out a groan.

"What?" Dean mumbles, burying his face in a pillow.

"We have a problem..." Cass mumbles. Dean's head shoots up and his eyes widen when they see a female Castiel sitting in front of him.

"Holy shit..." He mumbles.

"Go look in the mirror..." Cass says sounding miserable. Dean jumps up and runs to the bathroom.

"What the hell?" He (She now? Idfk lol I'm just gonna say he) Mutters, eyes widening as he runs a hand through his long hair. Cas walks up beside him and stares into the mirror. Dean turns to Cass then looks down at his chest area and has barely raised his hand when Castiel speaks.

"Don't even try it." He growls. Dean nods and his hand snaps back down to his side.

"So... What do we do?" Dean asks, glancing back into the mirror then looking at Cass.

"Go find Sam I suppose..." He mumbles in reply. The both walk out of the bathroom to find Sam.

"Hey guys-" He stops when he sees them.

"Did I miss something?"

"This isn't fair! Why aren't you a girl?" His question is answered when Gabriel walks out of Sam's room.

"Morning Deanna, Cassie, Samsquash." Sam's face reddens and Dean and Cass both glare at him.

"Oh this isn't his fault, I just got bored this morning when Sam wasn't awake yet, musty have really worn him out last nigh." Sam's face reddens Even more and he pulls bitchface #6; Shut up or I will cut you.

"Well sorry for having to run like this but I gotta go." He pulls Sam down for a kiss. After they break an art Sam is blushing again and Gabriel speaks.

"And don't worry girls I'll change you back... Eventually."

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