Zelda got ready for bed, as she looked out of the window and as fate would have it, saw him. He was walking alone and before Zelda knew what she was doing, her knuckles rapped the window in a seemingly futile attempt to grab his attention, but surprising enough it worked as he looked up confused.

Again throwing caution to the wind, she beckoned for him to climb up to the window.

He could hardly believe what was happening, it had to be some kind of joke right, maybe she was motioning someone else. But as he looked around and then looked back at her, he knew she wasn't kidding. Even though every single rational thought in his brain was to decline, his heart wouldn't listen. Besides who was he to deny the Princess?

"Gods, the King will have my head for this..." he muttered as he started to climb against his brain's protests.

Zelda couldn't believe it either, she had just invited a Knight to join her in her chambers after hours. If anyone was to find them, he would surely be executed and she wouldn't be allowed to leave her chambers as long as her father was alive.

As he reached the window, Zelda had one final opportunity to stop, so did he for that matter. But she opened the window and he climbed in, both knowing it was wrong but maybe that's what made them want to do it all the more.

"Um... hello." Zelda began, not really knowing what to do now.
"Your Highness... uh you motioned for me t-"

"Yes... yes. What's your name?" she asked just realizing she didn't know the answer to that question.

"Link, Your Highness. Link Ordon, Knight Second Order."
Zelda was very surprised at this, "Second Order you say? My you must be very gifted, you're the first recruit I've ever heard of to start in the Second Order. The best ones usually make it to Fourth at best."

Link smiled, even blushed a little, "Thank you Your Highness, your praise is greatly-"
"Please- don't call me Your Highness, just call me Zelda."

"I don't feel it would be proper Your Highn-"
"None of this is proper is it? Why not go one step further?"

"Okay, Zelda." the name felt weird on his lips, but she was right, he had come this far hadn't he?
"That feels much better. Well Link I saw you looking at me during the speech today." she said desperate to make conversation, even though the physical attraction was slowly overwhelming her.

"Well only because you were looking at me first Zelda." he chuckled, before he realized the gravity of what he said. "I do apologize Your Hig- Zelda, I forgot my place for a sec-"

Zelda couldn't take it any more, the attraction was mutual, what was she waiting for. She leaned in until their lips were mere inches apart. She looked into his eyes, those piercing blue eyes, as if urging him to make the move.

Part of him thought about climbing out of the window, going to the King first thing in the morn' and begging for forgiveness at his feet, hoping to keep his life, forget his job. But that was just for a moment, as the next thing he knew was the feeling of their lips entwining. It was pure bliss, for both of them.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and they were both brought back to earth and instantly moved away from each other.

"Zelda... I- We-" Link began but Zelda cut him off, "Go- Tomorrow, same time."
His brain protested one time, begging him to say no, but he nodded, and climbed down the window.

"Your Highness?" Came a voice from outside the door. "It's Impa. May I come in?"

After closing the window, she answered "You may, Impa."

"Your Highness, His Majesty asked me to remind you that tomorrow you have to meet with the Royal Council on the worsening relationship with the Gerudo."

Promises : A Zelink StoryWhere stories live. Discover now