so yeah

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Vivi x Quina Quen = vinn Vivian (twins and the middle children) Qays Quinn (twins and oldest kids) and lastly Vyan (the baby)
Steiner x Beatrix = Belle
Queen Garnet x King Zidane = Zina
Eiko is still young no children

Yes this is a tad bit self-indulgent. Fuck off. Hopefully in character enough it doesn't suck major ass. Will contain nsfw. Quina is intersex so technically speaking Vivi is gay. Also they're all 'human'? Like in a human form. Zidane still has a tail, and his daughter inharated it. None of the minors will be in the NSFW btw. Main focus is on Vivi, Quina, Vivian, Quays, Vyan, Quinn, and Vinn. Enjoy?

No pov)
Many a year has passed over the rebuilt castle of Alexandria, along with it's very people. Queen Garnet and her daughter, Zina, are gathered in a room with a few familiar faces and a few unrecognizable faces. Vivi looked at his old friends with with delight. He couldn't remember the last time he'd seen them. Beatrix, Steiner, and Belle was at the door doing what they normally did. Steiner was telling Belle that she was good but Beatrix told her that she needed to stand up straighter. Quina was there as well as Vivi and their children. They decided after the adventure to go separate ways but still write to each other. They didn't realize that their kids wouldn't know who their other parent was. Zidane stood in front of them awaiting everyone to arrive.

"SORRY I'M LATE!" Eiko yelled running in to the room. "It's alright eiko." Garnet said as she motioned for the princess to leave. "Now that you're here we can send the younger ones out and begin. Belle would you be so kind to escort all of you to Zina's room?" The queen asked one of the younger knights inn training. "Yes my queen!" She said marching to the door and waiting for all the younger ones leave. "But I don't wanna go! I wanna know when lunch is!" Vivian said being carried by his/her older brother/sister Quinn. "Sorry she always hungry." Quinn said quietly before leaving. Vivi looked over at those two curiously but looked away when they looked over. Vivi's sons looked at him in agony. "Father we'll be good if you let us stay!" Vinn and Vyan said in sinc. "I'm sure Father will be fine with out us." Qays said grabbing both of them and catching up with the others.

The kids soon got to princess Zina's room, and when they did they were shooed out. "I'm going to get changed then we'll go out and adventure okay?" Zina told her new found group. "Princess I advise you not to do that, as your one and only knight I know you like the back of my hand." Belle said before Zina stepped out. "Oh come on! Just because mother and father are hiring some new people doesn't mean we can't have our Friday evenings." Zina said now exiting the room in a blue jumpsuit. She stretched and spun around a little. "Woah! The princess has a tail!" Vyan the youngest of all of them said. "Don't be rude!" Qays said before giving a small clap. "Woah..." Was all that Vinn could say. "Well, why should we take the two qu? They're useless, well they really can only cook." Belle said as the two others lowered their heads. "Can't cook either." One squeaked out as the other nodded. "I can cook, my father says I'm like my mother." Vinn said quietly. "I like my dad mother says so!" Vivian smiled at the princess. "Well how about you guys switch outfits you guys look almost exactly the same." Zina laughed out but didn't except them to agree. "Sure!" "...I guess it would be cool." They said before Zina shoved them in her room to change into each others outfits.

As soon as they were in the outfits one was given a fork and the other was given a staff. "You two should use these for your skills, I wonder why you two look like twins." Belle said grabbing the princess's hand. "Belle you should get changed as well. If someone sees the princess's guard then they'll suspect something and maybe try to hurt us." Zina said before leading Belle into her room.

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