human! frock(unikitty) wet dreams (kinda smuttish)

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(Frowny x brock! Fuck off!
This ship is seriously that one vine yet more perverted
The vine in question:
Stop kink shaming me
Kink shaming is my kink

Brocks pov)
I looked up at him breaking the kiss as he smiled at me, "you're the only thing that makes me happy, besides others misery." he said softly as he went to kiss down from my cheek to my neck. "Fuck," I mumbled as he grabbed my thigh. God I love him... He opened his mouth to say, "I love y- BEEP" I looked confused "what?" "I love-BEEP" he restated...

I woke up with a groan as I looked at the clock and turned off the alarm. I then felt something wet and cringed. I got up and changed as I heard yelling about how everyone was too 'happy'. I sighed dreamily.... I love him no matter what the dude thinks.. I went out and to the lawngry basket to put my cloths in it when I spotted the blonde. I'm going to tell him! Tonight! He looked at me and blushed. Tomorrow! I looked away and started walking away. never.... I went and grabbed a bag of chips for breakfast and headed to my room. I ate half and fell back asleep. I wanted to finish that dream.

I opened my eyes and saw him over me again. This time we weren't wearing anything and he was kissing down my chest.

Master frown's pov)
" AH- M-Master! F-frown!" I heard Brock moan? I felt my face go red as I listened closer. Soon I found myself going to open his door. I looked in his room only to see him sleeping with his mouth wide open... And moaning my name. I shook him slightly to wake him up. "No not again" he mumbled and turned over on his stomach. I sighed, "wake up brock you can't sleep all day! Especially if you're going to scream my name!" he sat up suddenly with wide eyes. "I-i was screaming your name?" I nodded confusingly before it clicked. "Brock... Do you like me?" I whispered to him. He nodded and looked down.

Brocks pov)
He kissed my cheek "I've felt the same... Why didn't you just tell me?" he said brushing the ,already falling off, beanie off my head only to start playing with my hair. I smiled at him and pulled him on to me. He smiled back and went to kiss my neck softly. I let out a soft moan when he kissed a small space on my neck. He looked up at me with a smirk. " dude what are you thinking?" I asked him because his smirk was suspicious. " what were you dreaming about~" he asked as my face went red. "N-nothing!" I said as he grabbed my iner thigh and rubbed it slightly. I moaned softly, blushing more as the dream came back to my head. I wanted him so bad. He grabbed my dick and asked again, "what was the dream about?" I tried to get friction with his hand but it was almost pointless. He moved his hand off of it when I moved. "Damn it just fuck me!" I said not wanting to be teased more. He smirked with a red blush on his cheeks. "Alright~" he kissed my neck and bit it softly. I moaned more as he let go and took off my shirt. I went to take off his hoodie but got a smacked hand instead. I whimpered slightly as he took off his hoodie and an apparent undershirt, "the smack wasn't necessary..." I mumbled as he grabbed my hand and kissed it. "Its a force of habit... Unikitty tries to take my hoodie off me all the time.." he stated and went back to kissing my neck. I felt his hands tracing over spots on my chest and then he started kissing,down it. When he got down to my pants he got up and walked away. " what?! Frowny! Please come back!" I said blushing not wanting to take care of my problem that he created. "Tough cookies! I gotta go ruin peoples lives! Speaking of cookies! Can you make some while I'm gone? Okay thanks bye!" he said bailing on me. I grabbed one if his shirts and went to work on my little problem.

(Time skip thanks to hawkadile punching you into the night! (Like punching you into the next year but (365÷24)% softer)

I finished a batch of cookies as I heard the door open and close along with a flop. I'm guessing he was back. I walked over with the cookies and let him have one. He took one and ate it in one bite. "Thnks fr da cook ie" he said while chewing. I chucked and put the rest up, "come on I made dinner too." I said blushing softly. He got up in a flash and went to see what I had made. I had already ate so the rest was for him.

After he ate we watched tv on the couch. He suddenly got on top of me with a smirk. "Wanna continue doing what we were doing Brock? " he asked as I eagerly shook my head yes. "Alright! Just warning you, but you might not be able to walk tomorrow." he said as my face went red.

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