yandere! palette x goth (naj?) (undertale aus)

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I don't own any Aus sorry,

Palette's pov)
I hummed softly as I saw gothy at the library. We have gym together but I was skipping math right now. I walked up to him smiling brightly, "heya gothy! How's my best of all best friends?!" I said joyfully. He blushed softly with a smile and answered, "I'm good palette, just reading..." he said as I smiled more. I loved his voice, it didn't matter what he was saying but I love it. "Why are you here palette?" he asked. "Shouldn't you be in math?" I gulped, "yeah?" was he gonna tattle on me? He rolled his eyes and looked over me, "your math teacher is coming," he said and I hid under his desk. The math teacher looked around and left. I sighed in relief and got up. I went to get a book to read with gothy when I heard this, "you know that goth guy?" "yeah?" a girl answered her friend. "I'm gonna ask him out." "you go girl!" before she could get any closer to goth I pulled her away and put a cloth to her mouth and dragged her away.  Ew she's a pink cat! (Fite me its my oc for everything) she had a large G on her shirt, I wonder why? I looked around and brought her to the janitors closet. I stabed her in the neck holding the knife with a rubber glove. Would acid destroy this? I left and threw the glove in my bookbag, I would test my hypothesis later, right now its gothy time. I sat beside him and took a breath in. "Hey gothy? I wanna tell you something... Meet me at the cherry trees after school alone please." I said smiling at him. I couldn't frown at him... I adore him soo much! He nodded and the bell rang before he could speak. He got up and left and I did too. We already had gym so next was science for me at least, he had English. I sighed and put the glove in the acid that was just sitting there for an experiment. I then left for a moment so the girl already sitting there would get the blame when the teacher saw. I talked to pj for a minute then entered after the teacher.

(Time skip thanks to pj x freshy)

I stood by the cherry tree and waited for goth. He came and I held my breath for a moment before speaking, "goth I want to be more then just friends... I want to be maybe boyfriends?" I said softly as he blushed a dark purple. I loved his blush and his face... He spoke up, "p-palette I didn't know you felt that way..." his face was only inches away from mine. "But i-i feel the same way..." he said as I blushed and smiled. "Really?!" I was over joyed, "yes palette really." he said and I pulled him into a kiss.

(499- words)
Hope you enjoyed this fluff! Bye! Sorry its short btw.

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