Chapter 25: atlas assult.

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You could hear the vault hunters before you saw them. Amaras laughter and zanes feminine screams lead you in the right direction.

You sprinted through the yard occasionally having to shoot a Maliwan solider.

"What's the plan?" You shouted finally joining the group. "Rhys is trying to get the laser running to destroy the fleet." Flak responded.

" they overwhelmed us so we were gonna use turrets but those are dead and they destroyed the machine guns."
Moze explained.

You looked around for a second before your eyes locked in some kerosene and ammunition.

"Any of you got a frag?"  As soon as you asked Amara placed a big ass drag in your hand.

"Alright see that pile of supplies over there. I need you to cover me." You told them while slowly standing up. Zane stopped you for a second before clipping something to your waist.

"It's a shield. We got yer back lass." He let you go and you made a run for it. The second you did you heard gun fire.

You grabbed as much ammo as you could and then the jug of kerosine. You sprinted to where you saw the most soldiers.

Slowly you piled the ammo up and pour the kerosine on top. You sprinted away prying open the  frag and messing with the wires. It beeped. It was charged. 

"TAKE COVER!" You shouted before pulling the pin and throwing the frag. The second it hit the ammo there was a huge booming explosion. 

You were slightly shoved back by the force of the explosive device you had just made.

You could hear the vault hunter laughing in awe and you could also hear Rhys screaming through your echo.

"WHAT JUST HAPPENED!?!" He shrieked.

"I blew up the troops. How's the laser? You asked swiftly slowly getting off the ground.

"I'm having issues getting a locked target!" He shouted.

slowly more troops started piling in.

"Rhys..." Amara said anxiously.

"I'm trying!" He shouted.

"SHOOT THE DAMN LASER!" You yelled. Getting your gun out.

"ALRIGHT! I got it!" He screamed. As soon as he did a giant beam destroyed the fleet in front of you.

You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding.

"Phew alright thanks you guys look come to me for the- woah zero what are you doing...YEAH I GET IT JACK JUST FUCKING RUN."

Rhys echo then went silent. You felt you legs move before the rest of your body. You could hear the vault hunters behind you. You got you echo out and recorded.

"This isn't the best place to start a log but I'm at atlas trying to save some ceo. It's kinda lame."  You said still running

You panned the camera up to show the vault hunters.  "I'm kinda stressed. Some really good assassin might've betrayed us but that's okay." You could see the elevator. "Alright that's it. Gotta go." You turned it off and shoved it away sliding into the elevator the vault hunters right behind you.

You pressed a button and we're slowly lifted. You all soon made it to the top. You sprinted to Rhys' office. A vault hunter did something and the desk started to move.

You slid down the slope swiftly rolling into the area you could see jack dragging Rhys. They tripped. You could see zero. You grabbed a metal pole off the ground and ran to the scene.

You watched as zero posed to strike. You sprinted towards them. Suddenly right as he striked another zero intercepted it.

You glared as katagawa was revealed. You tackled him as soon as you saw an opening. the two of you fell straight into a water feature that was surprisingly deep.

You struggled in the water. It was a thrashing mess of limbs and punches. You wrapped your hands around his throat. He struggled breaking free.

You felt your lungs burn. You started to kick your way to the surface feeling a hand wrap around your ankle. You kicked furiously slowly getting out of the grasp and making it to the surface.

You gasped trying to climb over the side. Flak rushed to help you out. You heard katagawa surface. You whipped your gun out pointing at him.

"We've got this. Go to them and get yourself cleaned up." Flak lightly pushed you in the right direction. 

You softly smiled and headed off. You walked into the space where everyone was rescinding.

The second you did two men were immediately in your personal space.

"Are you okay! Holy shit you full on tackled him! It was pretty cool!"  Rhys told you excitedly.

Meanwhile jack was fussing over some bruises and a bloody nose. "Why are you so reckless? Like seriously why did you make a bomb like that in a space so small and then you go off and tackle him even though the vault hunters could've got it."

Soon the vault hunters were in the room. They were all talking excitedly about the bomb you made with the frag.

Rhys asked the vault hunters a question and finally gave them the vault key.

You grinned at the scene. Rhys came over to you and jack. "I guess this is goodbye?" He asked.

You looked at jack. He rolled his eyes and nodded. "Well I'm mean atlas does need some help getting cleaned up. But the second the raiders need us were gone."  You told him.

He grinned. "Your defiantly right about that."

Jack rolled his eyes again. "Of course she's right...your headquarters look like shit."

Rhys made an offended face then the two proceeded to get into a loud argument.

You wiped at your nose. This was great buts something felt wrong. It's probably nothing though.

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