Chapter 23: atlas bastard

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You could see how rigid jack was.  He had an expression on that you'd never seen him wear before. 

He was staring straight at Rhys. "What the hell do you think your doing."

"You should know jack. You've done it to plenty of people. I need your help, you didn't want to help, so I decided to give you a little bit of incentive." Rhys' answer sounded confident but his entire body looked anxious.

You could feel two gloves hands grab your arms.  You thrashed and tried to get a glimpse of the person but they held you in place surprisingly well.

"Let me go!!!" You shouted still trying to thrash out of the grip on you. Rhys grimaced.  Jack looked horrified and angry.

"So there are two options. Help without argument and she'll be fine or don't and I'll have my men but a bullet in her."

You stopped thrashing.
Jacks skin under the mask was flushed in what was obviously rage "You bastard!" 

You watched as jack swiftly grabbed Rhys by the collar of his shirt. You could hear the the gun click showing that it was now loaded and ready to shoot. Jack froze

"Put. Me. Down." Rhys was relatively calm. Jack didn't move. Rhys made a quick motion with his hand jack dropped him immediately and a loud bang echoed through the room.

There was a second of pain then It was black for a few moments. Suddenly bright light surrounded you and were in the room again. You could see everyone staring at you.

Your hands shot up to your head, nothing was there. You felt shaky. Jack didn't heasitate he ran right to you. Your legs fell out from under you. You felt nauseous. In under a second jack had you in his arms. He kept mumbling how sorry he was in your ear.

"We hooked them up to the new-u network when they fast traveled here. So every time we kill them they'll respawn but it's pretty mentally scaring You know...dying." 

Jack had his face buried in your shoulder.  "Fine. I'll help."

You wrapped your arms shakily around jack.

"We'll start in a bit. I really hope one day you can forgive me y/n"

After a bit you and jack were in another room. It was obviously living quarters. You sat in a small chair silently. Your thoughts were screaming.

Jack was pacing around the room. You had been trying to speak for hours now but you just couldn't. It was like you had forgotten how.

Jack looked at  you and came over to hold your hand. "I swear once we get the vault I'll kill him."

Finally the words came out of your mouth.  "I know."

The door opened and two soldiers stood there. "Rhys would like your help now jack." One told you.

You squeezed jacks hand tightly before letting go. "I'll be okay. I swear."

Jack stared at you for a second before turning to the guards. "Can she come with?"

"I mean sure." The other one answered.

Soon the two of you were outside Rhys' office. You could hear yelling.

"Loreli I don't want to go through with this damnit! If they don't wanna help they shouldn't have to!"

The door burst open and loreli stormed out. "ITS FOR ATLAS! GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER." She yelled back at him disappearing  into the hall.

Jack stared thoughtly at the wall. "It's her plan.:.he didn't want to do this." He mumbled.

You nodded as the two of you were escorted in. 

You two sat in some chairs. Jack spoke first.

"You didn't want to go through with this at all."

Rhys tensed. "You heard that huh?"

All you did was nod. 

"Look....I just needed to take care of atlas and loreli thought that was the best idea....but now I know it wasnt."

Jack sighed and leaned back. "I'll still help you...but leave her out of it....also I wanna punch you."

"Go wil-"
Rhys had barely spoke before jack threw a left hook at his face.  Rhys held his nose.

"Ouchhhhh." He groaned. And for the first time since you arrived on promethea you were laughing. Jack soon was laughing with you and then even Rhys couldn't help but laugh too.

The entire room felt brighter as you laughed. Soon you had the hiccups from how much you had laughed. Your hiccups caused the other two to laugh more.

Things could turn around. Your smile was back on your face as the two laughed like idiots. This would be okay.

"annoying prick".  (handsome jack x reader)Where stories live. Discover now