Chapter 21:i dont belong here

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You could feel the hologram staring at you. Lilith looked surprised by your comment.

"Y/n! It's been too long!" Rhys hummed happily.

"Has it? I thought it was only a few weeks ago that you tried to shoot me?"

"Huh was it? Time flies when your ex brings back a murderer and betrays you."

"Oh drop the act atlas you didn't care about me!" You shouted.

"I mean I kinda did! Just not a lot!" He defended

You let out a loud scoff. "Man you kinda did?! That's fucking awesome! Great for me right? You kinda cared about me!"

You could see Rhys flinch. It made you wanna scream. He was faking this whole hating you shit.

"Forget was good getting to talk to you again Rhys." You sighed softly. You didn't have the will to deal with this.

"W-wait! Lilith I wanna add a condition to our deal!" Rhys stuttered quickly.

You froze in place. Lilith spoke up.

"What is it?"

"I want y/n on promethea helping atlas." He stayed boldly.

Your blood boiled as you spun around. "Your fucking insane!"

Lilith seemed to agree. "What if I don't agree to that?"

"Then I can't help you with your vault problem." He answered quietly.

You looked at Liliths shocked face. You stared at the hologram. "Is no your final answer?" He asked quietly.

Lilith opened her mouth to speak she looked stressed.

You interrupted quickly "I'll do it! Just help them..."

You were shaking violently. Why'd you do this. Jacks going to kill you. Lilith stared at you softly.

"It's okay...I'll be okay." You told her trying to consul her. You gave a nod to Rhys and walked to the door not looking back.

You walked to moxxis. Seeing Tim at the counter. You walked up and set some cash on the counter. "Hey- oh you look bad"

You just nodded. He slid you two drinks. And you gave him a soft smile. "Tell moxxie I said hi"

"Will do! Tell jack I said sup!"

You walked to your cabin and kicked the door since your hands were full. Jack opened the door and you slid in.

You passed him a drink. "You're gonna need this. He cocked an eyebrow and took a sip.

You sucked in a breath and told him the entire conversation. Jacks frown got worse and worse until was told the point he looked like he wanted to snap someone's neck.

You then sat on the small bed you had. You downed some of your drink leaning on to jack.

"Why would you say yes." Jack sighed he put his face in his hands.

"He was going to stop helping them with the vault." You whispered. You felt like you sold your soul.

"That massive jack ass." He muttered standing up. He looked down at you softly. 

You pulled your knees up to your chest.  "Do you think I made the wrong choice?"

"That doesn't matter. Here, have you ever danced before?"  You gave him a look surprised by his out of the blue question.

You thought about it for a moment. 

"No but I've seen others dance." You could see jack grinning. He held out a hand. You took it. He pulled you up excitedly. He pressed a few buttons on his echo and music started playing.

It was nothing like the music you heard before. It wasn't Hyperion's classy uptight melodies but it also wasn't the harsh loud rhythms you  had heard on Pandora.

You were awestruck by it and you knew jack could tell because of the huge smirk in his face. 

He slowly taught you how to dance as time went on. He told you where to put your hands and what steps you should take.

Soon jack was twirling you around the room. Every time a new song played he would tell you what it was and what planet it came from. 

You couldn't lie it was  the most amazing thing. The two of you were now sitting on the small bed. Your legs and face were both sore from dancing and laughing.  The two of you were both just talking again.

"How do you know so much?" You asked softly.

"Well I never had resources to learn as a kid so at hyperion when it was all in front of me I tried to take in as much as possible."

You nodded leaning onto him. You felt a arm wrap around your shoulders. You smiled brightly.

"We really need to get you some new clothes...I don't think that jackets very comfortable." Jack sighed.

"It's not too bad" you reassured.

You felt him gently squeeze your shoulder and nod.

You relaxed just leaning softly on jack soft music still playing.

Sure you didn't belong here on sanctuary but you had still found your place. And it was with jack.

"annoying prick".  (handsome jack x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora