Chapter 16: drinks on me

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Getting settled into your temporary place was the easy part. You walked in with Timothy chatting modestly but when you looked at you trailed off.

It was almost as nice as jacks place on Helios. "Yeah it's a lot to take in. This is jacks home away from home but he wanted us here because of the extra security, he must really like you."

You nodded quietly looking around the room. You shook your daze off  and turned back to timothy. "It's really nice" you hummed.

"Well yeah it's handsome jacks place...I've only been here one other time so you must be something special." Timothy told you while stretching.

You looked curiously at Timothy and grabbed an apple off a counter.  "When was that?"

Timothy sent a sad smile in your direction. "When jack died...i uh did a little house keeping. I took some photos down and put the in his main room which will be your room."

"Oh we're you and jack close?"

"Kind of? We weren't besties or anything but I guess you could say I became a family friend..."

You nodded in understanding. "Makes sense."

Timothy walked into the living room and sat on the couch before starting more pleasant conversation.

"When's your first meeting for the conference?"

"Not till tomorrow which gives me today to explore the city.l

Timothy brushes a hand through hair and grinned. "Well if you want, when your done settling in I know a great bar."

You could only see this persona of jack on Timothy and it made you uneasy. "Yeah maybe in a bit, I'm gonna go check out my room."

"Oh yeah you must be pretty drained... I need to make some calls anyways."

You waved before heading to a room with a shut door. The room across from it was obviously timothy's. His luggage was resting comfortably in the door way.

You gently opened the door and walked inside. The room suprisingly still smelled like jacks strong cologne.  There was a few boxes pushed against a wall.

You walked over and crouched some dusty photos rested inside. You slowly picked each one up examined it and found a spot for it in the room.

You got to the last photo which was dustier than the rest. You wiped the thick layer of dust of with a sleeve of your sweater.

You stared at a smiling child with dark hair and bright eyes you opened the frame and carefully flipped the picture around.

You could barely read a scribbled mess of what seemed like jacks handwriting.
'Angel, age 7'

You gently placed the photo back in the frame and put the photo on the bedside table. You looked around the room at all the new pictures. Most of which consisted of jack or jack with some important person.

You picked up a photo of jack and Timothy and walked into the living area. Timothy looked up as you placed it on a side table.

"Re-decorating?" He joked before looking at the photo and smiling.

"I guess so...let's get drinks now." You said smiling. You felt more energized than earlier.

Timothy grinned and stood up. "That sounds like a hell of a plan."

The bar was in the outskirts of opportunity. It was a nice looking place.

You stayed near Timothy who was a huge hit with both the ladies and the fellas. Soon into the trip the two of you were separated and you were hiding at the bar alone.

You were sipping a drink timothy had got you before disappearing when a woman with white hair slid into the chair next to yours. She looked stressed bloody and irritated.

You made eye contact with her before quickly tearing your eyes away. You could see her smirk a bit.

"It's okay to look, people like me are supposed to be admired."

"You looked pretty pissed coming in here so it kinda drew my you mind if I ask why?" You replied trying to socialize.

The woman grinned. "Let's just say I have a demanding job and some idiots can't fucking do their part."

"Ah I can understand that...I wouldn't say my jobs demanding but theirs a hell of a lot of idiots."

The two of you conversed as time went on. You both started drinking more and telling each other more personal things. She told you about how she ran away from home and you let it slip that you killed your mom.

The woman went silent after that.

"I'm sorry that was probably a weird thing to say..." you replied panicking.

"No no I just don't have a mom either. It just amazes me you had the guts to kill yours. To escape."

You were about to respond when she stood up. "Well it's been a hell of a good time...uh what's your name?"

"Oh I'm y/n"

"Well y/n you can call me Tyreen. It was a real pleasure." She then walked off leaving you there.

You sat there you blood running cold. How did you not realize it was her. One of the fucking twins and you just chatted with her merrily.

You quickly got up and searched for Timothy. You gripped his arm the second you found him. "Timothy I feel sick we need to leave!"

Timothy was surprised but immediately looked concerned. That face of concern pushed you over the edge.

You felt nausea building up as you dragged him out side. You immediately let go and vomited on the concrete. You felt cold and clammy.

"Holy shit what happened!" Timothy shouted.

You spit onto the ground  and tried to calm your breathing. "I ran into a calypso twin."

"Oh fuck."

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