Ch 10: Misson failed

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This was the worst possible outcome, in the middle of of open area with grimm all around, to make matters worse we still had the family of six from lower Cairn to protect so running was out of the question.

Fox: (telepathy) Well if you have any suggestions to get us out of this I'm all ears.

Aiming her mini gun towards the Grimm that were most grouped up together Coco yelled.

Coco: We fight! Make sure to protect the family.

Bullets rained over the Grimm as Coco unleashed a heavy barrage of explosive rounds from her gun, thanks to her semblance. Obeying Coco's orders the other members of team CFVY also jumped into action, Fox charged at a group of beowolves slashing at them with his sharp retribution, Velvet wielding a pair of dual hard light daggers engaged a oncoming Ursa, Yatsuhashi guarding the family and Coco swatted away any smaller Grimm that slipped by and finally You, with two rose whips wrapped around both your arms, you shred a herd of creeps to bits.

Just as the situation looked to be turning around in your favor, the ground beneath you started to rumble, that's when when a large shadow started to cover the clearing.

Fox: That sounds bad.

Yatsu: It is, it's very bad.

You: I think we just found what destroyed lower Cairn.

Making its way into the clearing was a arguably one of the most dangerous Grimm to exist, a Goliath. The shadowy Grimm towered over all the others, even crushing some as it made its way towards your group. It had one large tusk, with the other being half broken but the splintered edge still dangerously sharp and deadly. Coco fires her gun at the beast but even with the increased power from her semblance, the Goliath didn't seem fazed at all.

Man: Back to the cave!

You: No wait!

It was too late, the father of the family against your warning yelled at the others to head back into the cave, You and the other members of CFVY were too preoccupied with the Grimm to stop them. Before they could make it an Ursa looms up in front of them, grabbing the father, he yells for his family to keep going as the Ursa snaps it's jaws shut over his head. The wife with the injured ankle pushes her children towards the cave's entrance as she falls to the ground, it didn't take long for a swarm of tiny death stalkers to swarm over her, a sickening scream pierced the air before it came to an abrupt stop.
And due to the tremors caused by the Goliath, crushed the cave entrance. The rubble sealing the remaining children inside.

Velvet: (falls to knees in tears) Oh gods no.

You: Coco the key!

Coco: Huh?

Quickly realizing what you meant, Coco reaches into her pocket and threw you the key to your choker. As the metal band fell to the ground you started to feel your aura flow more naturally. Pressing your hands into the dirt, you pumped as much aura as you could muster to separate the Grimm from team CFVY. Trees and thick vines erupted from the ground entangling the smaller Grimm but not the Goliath.

 Trees and thick vines erupted from the ground entangling the smaller Grimm but not the Goliath

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