But she felt ashamed to repeat what she said to others.

Ding Jiayi dared not tell the others that instead of the person who wrote the essay, the one who copied the essay had the right to use the essay. She dared not tell them such shameless things.

“So you also realized that what you said just now was shameless and you dared not let others know. But why would you treat Nan Nan in this way? You only dare to take it out on the family and to bully Nan Nan? How unlucky Nan Nan must be to have a Mom like you? Do you know that what you said just now will affect the relationship of the two sisters? If they fall out with each other and turn their back against each other, you will have to bear the full responsibility! As you said, Zijin is Nan Nan’s biological sister, if she runs into any troubles in the future, she has no one to seek help except Nan Nan. Yet you want to create troubles!”

Qiao Dongliang’s words was to serve as a reminder to Ding Jiayi and Qiao Nan.

Ding Jiayi did not get it, but Qiao Nan understood.

Qiao Dongliang had two meanings to his words.

First, Ding Jiayi’s ramblings was all her own doings, it had nothing to do with Qiao Zijin. He wanted Qiao Nan not to have any misunderstandings and not to affect the relationship between the sisters.

Secondly, Qiao Dongliang understood that even if the elder daughter has been making improvements, her results was still far behind the younger daughter’s results.

In the society now, those who could study would have a brighter future.

The younger daughter might have better future prospects as compared to the elder daughter.

If the elder daughter ran into any troubles, she could only seek help from the younger daughter.

If Ding Jiayi continued with her ways to spoil their relationship, the younger daughter might not be willing to help the elder daughter when she was in trouble?

His wife would only hinder the elder daughter.

Qiao Nan’s lips dropped, she could no longer feel the surge of warmth when Qiao Dongliang jumped in to defend her just now.

That surge of warmth was not enough for her to feel comforted and warm, instead his words were just like pouring a bucket of cold water over her.

Her mother wanted her to be the source of income for Qiao Zijin. She would do anything that was beneficial for Qiao Zijin, even if it meant taking everything away from Qiao Nan.

As for her father, he wanted Qiao Nan to be Qiao Zijin’s nanny, to take care of her no matter what.

“How am I creating trouble?” Ding Jiayi refused to admit. “Zijin was the victim here, you decide what to do!”

Old Qiao wanted to take in a son-in-law for Zijin. She did not believe that he would not be anxious that she was being issued a warning.

If not for the fact that Qiao Zijin’s teacher had told Ding Jiayi outright that it was only possible that Qiao Zijin copied the essay from Qiao Nan, Ding Jiayi might have dragged Qiao Nan to The High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China, and forced her to admit in front of the teacher that she had copied from Qiao Zijin.

Not only did Ding Jiayi refused to admit her mistake, she acted justified and confident. Qiao Dongliang had a splitting headache, Old Ding was so muddleheaded. “Nan Nan…”

He could only work on the younger daughter since his wife refused to listen to reasons.

The squeaky wheel gets the grease, Qiao Nan had always been obedient and sensible. Hence Qiao Dongliang was used to the fact that she should give in and suffer in silence, and try to be more understanding towards Ding Jiayi and Qiao Zijin. “Your Mom has a bad temper, she was muddleheaded to have said those words. Do not take it to heart. She is a good person, it’s just that she cared too much for your sister.”

Rebirth to a Military Marriage : GOOD MORNING CHIEFNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ