Chapter 18

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All three of us simultaneously gasped as we took in the large crowd. We let it sink in that they were their for us, we practically fangirled. 

Dabe chuckled at our antics before shuffling us out the door. Standing their, at attention and ready to help us through the crowd, were our very own personal body guards.

They pushed through the crowd like nobodies business, like the fans were simple little twigs, but they were hurricanes. So awesome.

After getting into the lobby, the security guards pushed the girls out and locked the doors so that they couldn't get in. We took the time to catch our breathes from the complete rush. 

I never expected to have fans, let alone that many. What happens when we really become famous from this show? I can just see it now...

Red carpets, celebrities, Meet and Greets, meeting amazing fans, I can't wait for it all, but I know that when realization comes to at that point, it will hit me like a fricken ton of bricks. 

I choose to dwell in all of it's glory until then though. 

Dabe comes up with the security guards after they secured the perimiter.

"Guys, this is Danny, Michaelal, and Alexi. Danny is your body guard Gilinsky, become friends, get to know each other. Your room is room 275 on the top floor." Dabe introduced. 

Before I could hear which body guard Taylor or Cameron had, Danny grabbed the key and the luggage and whisked me off towards the elevator.

I was suddenly really jittery, but yet I was excited to learn more about this mysterious Danny. 

He was about 5'11, meaning he towered way over me so I had to look up. His eyes were as bright as Nash's, if not brighter, but they were incredibly different. The inner ring was a dark indigo/royal blue and it was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

He appeared to be no older then 22, then again, his facial features indeed made him look incredibly young. He stood tall too. Tall and proud. 

He wore a simply black hoodie that said Security in white on it, along with white skinny jeans and black work boots. Now, no body should be able to pull off this look, but he somehow managed to and he pulled it off with dignity. 

We made it to the room in silence. He unlocked the door and walked in. I surveyed the room, nevermind room, it was more like a fricken king suite. What the heck Dabe !?

I walked over to the bed on the farthest to the left and set my luggage down, claiming it as my own. I began unpacking. 

it took longer then I thought too, but I managed to get it done around 3ish, at about the same time Danny finished as well. 

I sat down on the bed, leaning back and crossed my legs lazily as I stared at him wearily.

"So... Danny, is it?" I asked. After a curt nod, I continued talking. "Let's play 21 questions. You go first."

He shrugged warily before getting comfy on his bed, we were facing each other now. "What's your favorite color?" He asked.

As if this man couldn't get any hotter, he had a fricken British accent! 

"Turquoise." I replied. I love to see girls wearing the color confidently too.

"What's yours?" I asked generally curious.


"Really? Black isn't a color." 

"Dark Grey."

I just chuckled lightly. "Well alright then."

We continued to ask each other questions for a couple more hours, before we finally went down for dinner. 

We ate at an odd resturaunt. It served pizza with the oddest toppings, like cherries and bananas, but the one I did recognize and actually liked, was the pineapple.

Some people would be like, Pineapples!!?? but it's actually really amazing and tasty. You should try it so much if you haven't already.

I found out that Taylor had gotten Michaelal as a body gaurd and Cameron had Alexi. Michaelal and Alexi both seem like wonderful people/

Michaelal was very sassy and seemed to get along with Taylor very well. Alexi was very outgoing as well and Cameron seemed to like him. That was good, I didn't want them to be enemies because that would be bad, very bad.

Alexi had some sort of Italian accent, but just a tint of it from 'being around Americans for so long' is how he put it. 

He was about 6'1" and towered over all of us, except for Michaelal. He had blond hair, but darker roots. The blond was real, but it almost seemed artificial.

He had amazing and glowing emerald eyes that had a twinkle in them. He was naturally happy as well so it was hard to get him in a depressed mood, and we didn't spend more then 2 minutes trying to anyway.

He was tan, like he spent time surf boarding. Meanwhile though, Michaelal was more on the pale side.

Michaelal, or Mich as he told us to call him, was about 6'5" and was the tallest fricken tree ever, but he was meant to protect so he most likely had to look really intimidating.

He had the deepest golden brown eyes ever, they were brown, but they also seemed to literally glow a golden color. Over the course of the night, I fell in love with them beautiful eyes, but he's still only a friend to me.

All 7 of us became incredibly close and we discussed what we would need to set up the set for the stunt, which we decided we would perform in exactly 4 days time. Not going to lie, I became incredibly nervous at that.

 At around 9, we went to my hotel room and around midnight, we fell asleep in my room, awaiting tomorrows events that were sure to come.


Sup Sexies!

This isn't my longest chapter, but I don't have long to write. I got my iPad taken away for 2 weeks so the only time I can write is early in the morning before school starts and when I can sneak onto my Dad's computer which hasn't proved to be too complicated or hard yet so yeah.

I had a fangirl attack in front of my Dad and my Sister today because Shawn's commercial came on, the one about him being N.B.T but it wasn't the first one that I seen. I definitely died of happiness though. It was the one where he sang Show You on acoustic for the people and my sister literally said that white people couldn't rap when it got to the fast pace part, I literally almost slapped the complete shit out of her. No one insults Shawn, or any of my idols for that matter.

I also told my Mom that I wanted a sweatshirt saying my idols on it, from one of the boys stores and she said okay, hopefully that means I'm getting my first ever merch for Christmas. I can't wait.

I have an idea for what the next book i'm writing is going to be because I have had the idea for a while now and I can't wait, but it's not going to be out for a while of course.

My favorite song at the moment: That's What She Said by the Janoskians <3 

Recommended Short Film of the Week: Haunting Ian by Joey Graceffa

Sorry if I can't message you people back because I don't have my iPad, like I said. I will try to upload as often as possible as well. I got to go, my Dad is okay with me typing on the computer right next to him, just tilted away so he can't read what i'm writing, but if my Mom catches me doing something other then homework on here, she will have my head.

I might be able to update a quick filler tomorrow, but it will also be important. The content in the next chapter won't be too important, but it still will have some importance. I'm going to be busy tomorrow as well, church until 12:15ish, then My Grandma is taking me to see Big Hero Six in theatres and then I have to do a crap ton of laundry.

I will try to post as often as possible, but schools been hectic as well. My algebra teacher assigned 57 problems due Tuesday before the test and I have no clue how to do any of it for example.

Enough of this pity party, I will try though so give me some time to work out a schedule. Thanks for waiting patiently. 

Love Y'all! BAI!!! ~ November 29th, 2014, 10:11 PM ~ Nessa

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