Chapter 8

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I flattened out the note and grabbed my pencil and wrote...

~ Since when did you notice me? You've always beaten me up, always called me names and shit. What's changed? ~

Then I threw it back at him. I watched as he opened it, and then looked back down at my phone as he read it. I told the guys what just happened and they both said the same thing...

~ Da fuq? Okay, bathroom before lunch ~

Then they said bye and left. I sighed. The note landed back on my desk and I opened it.

~ Because I feel bad for all of the torment I put you and your friends through and was wondering if we could hang out sometime? ~

That little...

~ Um, idk. I barely know know anything about you, plus my friends and I are a little busy right now, but maybe some other time? ~

I wrote and threw it back to him. I heard the teacher ask about poems and I raised my hand to give a smart Alec answer, but he knew that was he kind of answer he'd get from me so he chose someone else. Bitch.

~ I just want to be your friend. Give me a chance? ~

A little pushy mister.

~ Fine, Thursday after school. My locker. You can bring three friends only. ~

I throw it back to him and watch his reaction. He mini fist pumps the air and then looks at me, clamps his hands together and mouths 'thank you' to me. I chuckle.

~ Yes! Thank you, thank you! Thank you, thank you! ~

And that's where I stopped reading the long list of thank you's. I chuckle in confusion. I wonder why he would be this excited to hang out with me.

I shrug it off and harass the teacher for the rest of the class time.

~~~~~In the Bathroom, Before Lunch~~~~~

I walked in, locked the door and sat down on the sink counter top in between Taylor and Cameron.

I showed them the note and what JJ's reaction was and all three of us were stumped. I simply don't understand what was up with him. All I did was change my look.

This is going to bother me so much. Ugh. Fuck this. It's time for lunch.

~~~After School~~~

We all met up at my locker and we just stood and talked until we realized we should go home. We walked out to my car and Cameron and I hopped into the seats. Taylor hopped in back and we blared the radio.

Everybody was staring again. I backed up, Taylor made a joke and I drove away. We all were laughing so loud that you could hear the mix of hyena laughing over the stereo. We were most definitely being stared at.

I don't know why we haven't come to school as ourselves. We were all afraid of what people would do. We were all afraid that we would fail when we just want to finish the hell hole of school and get out.

I pull into my driveway and we all hop out. As soon as we walked inside and set our shit down on the ground, we yanked our cameras out and shot a YouTube video for our channel.

After uploading that, we made 10 more vines and then did homework. I have a shit ton of homework from Algebra 2. All three of us were sat down at the kitchen table doing homework and none of us could focus.

I hurried and finished my homework, uploaded a couple vines and tweeted random shit until they finished. When they finished, we all went out to find a job.

We were walking around town when some dude walks up to us and says...

Update 3 out of _

Finally Out Of That Hell Hole (Jolinsky)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz