Chapter 6

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A/N I'll figure out how to delete the other one tomorrow. I wake up in 6 hours, almost exactly so let's get this done and over with.

Chapter 6

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I slam my hand down onto the button of my alarm clock with an annoyed groan. Today is the day we are going to the gym. Ugh, groan!

I roll out of bed, literally, and grab myself some gym clothes and go into the bathroom. It feels so nice to be clean again. Being in a coma sucked.

I hum in relief as I dry myself off and hop out of the shower. I pull on a pair of boxers, black basketball shorts and black Nikes along with a plain white t-shirt.

I run downstairs and manage not to get winded. I walk into the kitchen and shove a water bottle and a snack into my black bag along with my iPhone and headphones for music.

I call for the boys and I hear crashing upstairs. I chuckle as they come running down the stairs in a race. Taylor almost trips, but regains his posture long enough to trip Cameron.

We all grab our skateboards from the garage and start to skate to the gym. I was running and listening to music instead after about halfway. Even though I was running, I still managed to beat the boys who were skating.

~~~~At the Gym~~~~

We started by running five miles. I could physically feel The Burn, but I managed to keep my breathing under control.

After we ran 5 miles, we went to work on my abs and biceps. I started by doing what felt like a million crunches to work on my abs. I could feel them coming in as soon as I got up to go to the bench press.

I felt so weak, I could only do 170 lbs. I used to be able to do 250 lbs. Stupid coma.

After working out at the gym, we walked over to our lockers to grab our stuff. As soon as we unlocked our lockers, we instantly started chugging the water.

I wiped the corners of my mouth (So I work it, when I walk down the hallway, they can't say nothing) to remove the water and I recapped the water bottle. I leaned against the locker, waiting for the two other boys who were having a drinking contest at the moment to finish.

"Well, well, well. Look at the weakling." I heard a familiar voice say. My face drained.

I turn around to be met by Nash, the second most popular.

"I couldn't exactly work out while I was in a coma, now could I?" I ask him like he was an idiot. He punched me right in the face.

"What did you say?" He asked.

"Oh, you heard damn well what I said." I snapped back. The dream I had during the coma helped me realize something, I can't back down, I need to stand up for myself and I don't need to be cool looking or have as many tattoos as The Populars to be cool. I just need my friends.

At this point, Taylor and Cameron were standing behind me like body guards. "Sorry Nash, but you can't push us around until you learn the real story. Until then, go suck it." I say as I flip him off, grab my bag and skate away with the boys following suit.

"Just wait until Tomorrow, JJ will be on you like a piranha." I heard him say.

~~~~At My House~~~~

I put my skateboard in the garage and walked inside the house. I got my phone out and began tweeting about my day.

"Hey Taylor, I was wondering if maybe we could try something like Vine or YouTube because it sounds like fun and we don't have anything better to do?" I asked.

"How about we each make a Vine then?" Cameron asked.

"Let's do it!" Taylor yelled.

I don't know why we wanted to do this, all I know is we got addicted to it and uploaded over 100 vines that night.

I laid down in bed that night and just thought. What was up with Nash? Shit! I have to go to school tomorrow. This is not going to be good.

I also have to find a job for the three of us to do together, tomorrow will be very busy. Let's hope we get lucky and I don't die. Just kidding... hopefully.


The surprise is in the next upload maybe.

Finally Out Of That Hell Hole (Jolinsky)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें