Chapter 17

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

Extremely loud groan! Oh my god. Too early! Internal weeping. I got 4 hours of sleep, that's only a little less then what I usually get, but I feel the need to sleep for 8 more hours. What the official hell is wrong with me?!

I'm not even sure I want to know. Ugh.

I roll out of bed and take a quick 5 minute cold shower to wake myself up. I grabbed my carry-on and hopped down the stairs, placing my bag on the counter.

I walked over to Dabe and shook him lightly. He snorted and then yawned really loudly while stretching before sitting up. "What time is it?" He asked.

"6, because Taylor is a fighter when being woken up and Cameron is a hibernating bear when he sleeps. I can drop cymbals, bang pans and put a bunch of junior high kids and high school kids in here and they'd both still be asleep." I snorted.

He chuckled before standing up and stretching. He walked into the kitchen and splashed his face with cold water, drying it off, he checked his watch.

"Here's the keys to my truck, unlock it and put your carry-on in the back. Leave the right seat in the back open." He said while handing the keys to me.

I nodded, grabbing my bag I walked out, using the overhead garage light to find the unlock button. I pressed it and opened the door, I put my bag all the way to the left.

I shut the door and walked into the kitchen again, handing Dabe his keys. He took some clothes and went into the bathroom to change. I ran upstairs and opened Taylor's door.

He was in a fetal position, snoring really loudly. I chuckled softly before walking over to him and jumping on him.

"TAYLOR!!!!!!" I yelled really loud into his ear. He flinched, but he put his fist out at full length really fast, meaning he was an inch from punching me in the face. Dabe, who was standing at the door watching my whole effort, he was laughing.

I pushed Taylor's arm down and started yelling in his ear for him to get up, he groaned and rolled over really fast, sending me flying straight into the floor. By then, Dabe was clutching his side in an attempt to stop laughing so hard he was crying.

I glared at him for not helping before hopping back onto Taylor's bed and sitting on my knees right at the edge of his blanket that was wrapped around him like a burrito. I grabbed the edge and yanked really hard, sending Taylor into a full 360 on his side before face planting into the floor.

I have to admit that was hilarious, he stood up, grumbling and brushing himself off as Dabe and I clutched our sides in pain from laughing so hard we were practically about to fall onto the floor, not to mention we were both crying and failing to catch our breath.

It took about 5 minutes for us to stop full out laughing, we were still chuckling and giggling when we went to Cameron's room.

I opened the door and Tay, Dabe and I crept in ever so slowly before quickly running up and starting to jump up and down on his bed. 3 grown men jumping on a bed with another person laying on it isn't exactly safe and it's kind of hard to sleep through.

Cameron groaned and whacked Taylor with a pillow before snuggling up to the pillow. I chuckled and went into his closet, we have something we use for this occasion when we can't get Cameron up.

I walked out and pointed to it so they knew to cover their ears. I brought it to about a foot over Cameron's head and blew the air horn and he jumped with a loud AH!

We all were laughing super hard. He deserved it. We patted his head told him we were leaving in 20 minutes and walked out.

He jumps into action immediately, he closed his door and turned on the shower so we walked away. I told Taylor to go put his stuff in the back before I took out my phone and made a couple vines telling everyone to expect us in Brazil, then I asked Dabe if I could post it and he okayed it so I posted it and watched all the comments roll in.

I also tweeted 'Brazil here we come!' Everyone is officially freaking out now and it's hilarious.

Cameron came down in skinny jeans and a tee shirt, drying his hair. He flipped me off before taking his carry-on out to the truck. I shook my head at him before walking in to the kitchen and grabbing a monster for the road.

I ran out and hopped into the big passenger side seat before anyone else could, locking Cameron in the middle so Taylor has to sit in the cramped back.

Dabe locked the door for us before hopping into the drivers seat. It was about 45 minutes to the airport so we spent the time tweeting and vining.

The car ride was hilarious. Trust me, we know how to get a laugh.

When we reached the airport, we checked in our luggage before we carried our carry-ons to the plane that was loading when we got there. Dabe being Dabe, he got us fricken first class.

The person saw us and started freaking out, along with all of the other people going to Brazil for a reason I hope...

We went to first class and slept for about 5 hours before we were all fully awake and hyper, so we spent the time making more vines and tweeting when we could without taking the plane down or getting yelled at.

When we landed, all three of us were bouncing up and down in excitement while Dabe just chuckled at us.

As soon as the exit gates were opened, all 3 of us sprinted out with our carry-ons, hurrying Dabe into the steamy and hot airport.

He was on his phone, calling somebody so of course he was walking super slowly. We were really excited so he knew that she should hurry his slow ass up before we picked him up and ran around the airport carrying him above our heads like he was a battering ram.

We hurried him along to the baggage claim where we ran around looking for our bags, and also making funny vines like Cameron meditating on the conveyor belt.

Dabe chuckled at our antics before grabbing two of the four suit cases and walking to the exit. Taylor and I ran ahead, sticking Cameron with the other two suit cases.

We were laughing super hard as Cameron whined when we finally reached Dabe who was now impatiently waiting for us.

"Isn't so fun waiting for other people now is it Mr. Dabe?" I smirk.

He chuckles and lightly pats my head before grabbing onto it gently and leading me in the direction of the revolving doors. We take care to go through them with the luggage before stepping outside.

Our jaws drop when we see Dabe handing the two suitcases he has to the chauffeur to put in the trunk of a fricken full length limo.

In shock, we scramble to get in while shooting pictures, vines etc. As soon as Dabe climbed in, we were off. The whole ride to the hotel, we made vines of the inside and us hanging out the sunroof. It was fun.

When we got to the hotel, we received quite a shock. We didn't expect this big of a turnout of people. How are we going to get in?

Sup Sexies!

I know these probably weren't my best works, but I did just do a triple update with chapters 15,16 and now 17. The dates my say different, but that's when I wrote them, not uploaded them.

I hope you enjoyed it though. I'm glad to be back although I have no clue how often I can update due to business and stress. What did you think though?

Go follow me on u social media.

@VanessaAmber53 - This is my personal Twitter account. This is where I upload personal things.
@vanessaamber20 - This is where I upload picture edits. I have I believe 47 up right now so go check them out.

AmberJoyce💖 - Yes there is an actual heart in my Snapchat username. 😁


Amber Joyce

Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow me! If you have any questions, comments or concerns please feel free to leave them in my Message box, on my message board or in the comment section.

Welp, I'm gonna go, but if I don't upload again today or tomorrow, I just wanna wish y'all a happy Thanksgiving!

Love y'all! BAI!!! ~ November 26, 2014, 5:43 PM ~ Nessa

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