"Besides, this is my fault," Lani said. "I should've known how selfish and thoughtful you can be."

"Lucifer," Penelope and Kai said.

Penelope chuckled. "How thoughtful."

Kai glared, angry that Lucifer had stood up his daughter.

Penelope continued. "You are the sweetest to come support us on such a difficult day."

Chloe glanced at her mom, then to Kai. "Oh. I bet you an arm and a leg, Mom, Mr. Iosua, that he had no idea what today is."

Lucifer turned to her. "Well, that's rather unwise of you to wager your lovely extremities, Detective. That's a rather uncanny look, Deputy. Particularly as I'm perfectly aware of what today is, actually."

Lani raised an eyebrow. "It's a very difficult day because - Today--"

"Today is - The first day."

"The first day of the trial of - my mom and her dad's killer."

"My mum and Dad's killer! Nitetzsche? No, wait. Your mum's and her dad's killer. Yes, no, I knew that. I knew that. That's why I'm here to support you two. Not talk about myself, 'cause that would be selfish."


"So consider me an emotional jockstrap for the Decker and Iosua family jewels."


Dan chuckled and whistled as he walked down the stairs. He noticed Ella. "Hey."

She grinned. "Hmm, someone's chirpy for a Monday morning."

"Yes, I am."

"Why? What's going on?"

"What, do I need an excuse to be happy?"

"Hmm, I mean, you're whistling. You've been working out lately."


She sniffed him. "Musk-scented aftershave. Did you get laid?"

Dan laughed and scoffed. "No."

"Oh, no, no. Don't waste your poker face on me, buddy. I know that grin."

"I'm still in shock."

"I knew it."

"She's gorgeous."

"Yeah, well, - it's not like you're Quasimodo."

"No, no, no, no. Trust me, she is way out of my league. I mean, she is goddess like. And she came back for seconds."

"Then maybe she's the one who sent you the mystery package."

"A mystery package?"


Dan looked at the package. "I don't recognize the return address." He opened it up. "Oh, jeez." He slunk back, covering his nose and mouth. "God!"

Ella sighed as she picked up the head. "Wish I could say it was my first."

"That's Boris. Chloe and Lani are gonna lose it." He walked off.


"So poised. So composed," Goddess said. "The detective and the deputy obviously get their strength from the two of you."

Penelope scoffed. "This? It's just acting. Sadly, we've had practice. We played this role before, 16 years ago."

"Well, maybe it's like butt stuff. Easier the second time around."

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