Chapter 10: Evil's Truth

Start from the beginning

"You hypocrite, you just forced Naofumi to fight you in a one sided duel all because of your stupid ego" I said calling him out. "Did you forget the shield's setting Naofumi can't use any other weapons to attack with" I said. "I am master Naofumi's sword I attack for him when he needs me" Raphtalia said.

Motoyasu was still in denial over the situation and wasn't listening to us. "It doesn't need to be Raphtalia he'll continue to use and misuse her until she is no longer needed" he said. "You fool it's your fault in the first place no one will team up with Naofumi you refused to get evidence and ask questions that would of proved Naofumi's innocence" I said. "Next time you try to play hero get your facts straight" I said.

"Master Naofumi has been nothing but kind to me, he treats me like a person and takes care of me and together we defend each other" Raphtalia said.

I could see that Motoyasu's resolve was beginning to falter.  "It can't be Naofumi's not that kind of person" was all he could say. "Let this sink in everything you have said was based of accusations no evidence was given nothing was proven fact you just believed that bitch because she was a woman" I said.

"If you were in the same position would you do the same?" I asked. "Master Naofumi even though he was low on funds and poor he took me in when I was sick and on the verge of death, he cared for me, he fed me, he gave me proper clothing and gave me medince to treat my illness when no one else would" Raphtalia said.

"Would you do the same? Because I would" I said. Motoyasu timidly answered "yes, yes I would". Raphtalia called him out "then why don't you own any slaves I don't see any freed or otherwise in your party" she said.

With that all of Motoyasu arguments were now destroyed. "You know for all of your claims about slavery being wrong you've never actually done anything about it, since the moment you came here you've done nothing to help someone in her position, despite your boasting about being a hero and your close ties with the crown it was Naofumi the outcast hero who you and the rest of this kingdom scorned who did all of those things" I said driving in the final nail.

It had happened just now a little Tanuki slave girl just called out Melromarc's most prestigious heroes in front of everyone. She wasn't greatful for anything they did like they had anticipated. She and I called him a hypocrite and a liar all of them were. The only reason why Motoyasu took offense to the matter was because Raphtalia was Naofumi's slave and companion. He was the real villain for trying to separate the poor girl from her real savior. Raphtalia let Motoyasu know this she let them all know

Rattled to his very core Motoyasu tried to get two words out but couldn't before he was interupted by Malty. I guess she couldn't take it anymore the princess told Raphtalia to shut up and called her ungrateful. Malty then began to demean poor Raphtalia. When Malty raised a hand and was about to slap Raphtalia I immediately reacted.

I grabbed the wrist of the bitch known as princess Malty. "Get your filthy hands off of me" Malty told me. Instead of letting go I began to crush her wrist causing her a lot of pain. "Please let go Y/N" a voice asked. I looked over to see Ren and Itsuki were now on the field. I let go and threw Malty over to Motoyasu. I broke the bitch's wrist causing her to cry and try to suck up to Motoyasu.

"Why did you interefere with the duel between Naofumi and Motoyasu?"  Itsuki asked. Malty acted like she didn't know anything about what happened. Motoyasu was taken back by this  "Motoyasu but the duel was your loss" Ren said bluntly. "The only reason you won was because of one of your partner's illegally using wind magic to interfere with the duel" Ren said. He may of not named any names but Motoyasu knew who Ren was referring to.

She gave off a fake smile and tried to say that no one saw her use the magic other than me. And since I'm friends with Naofumi I would say anything to save him. "Y/N is a rogue type hero who's special trait is his sight he can see you use magic before you even cast a spell" Ren said "also we saw you use the spell" Itsuki said. "Even everyone in this room saw you do it but the king told them to not say anything about it" Itsuki said.

I looked at the faces of everyone in the audience and could tell that both Ren and Itsuki were right. Both Ren and Itsuki were disgusted by the display shown by the royal family and how they treated the sacred duel.

Raphtalia went over to me "go see him" I told her. Instead of showing praise to Motoyasu and Malty she went over to Naofumi who was on the ground. She began to comfort him as best as she could. I could see that it was working and that Naofumi was calming down. Especially when Raphtalia told him she heard all of the rumors but didn't believe any of them. Naofumi tried to rip the shield of his arm but Raphtalia stopped him.

Before Naofumi could argue with her Raphtalia embraced him. I could see that the black cloud had vanished for how long it would stay gone I didn't know.

After all of that Naofumi and Raphtalia left. Before I could leave the king stopped me. "Where do you think your going?" he asked "away" I answered. "You need to pay for hurting my daughter" the king said. "You act like a bitch you get hurt like one" I said walking away. "You will not leave" the king said "who's going to stop me? Ren, Itsuki" I asked looking at the two. They both nodded no "how about you king will you fight me?" I asked. "No I won't but the spear hero will" the king answered.

I looked over to Motoyasu "will you fight?" I asked "I have to this is difference you hurt the princess" Motoyasu answered. "Fine then I'm okay with committing double murder" I said.

A/N: And there you have one chapter before Y/N fights Motoyasu. Sorry this one didn't have the fight in it but Naofumi needed his moment before he hardly showes up again. I do hope you all liked this chapter and are ready for the next one. The love interest will show up soon I hope you are ready for her. I am always answering any questions you readers may have about the story or anything else in general. If there is a question that you want answered either message me or comment on a chapter with your question. As usual the feedback helps me make sure that the next chapter is better than the last one. As always thank you for reading and I will see you all later

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