Experimenting With SOULs

Start from the beginning

Perhaps not so smug after all.

Now that the little monsters had been exposed to the public, it was only a matter of time until the king found out. Gaster was prepared for the consequences that would surely ensue; the King of Monsters had no MERCY towards wrongdoers.

A few years in the past...
Log 1: Artificial Life
Monsterkind has been sealed underground for about a year now, and I am already becoming restless. The King refuses to take action on a possible way to escape this eternal damnation.

Slowly, but surely, our peacuful populatoon is transforming into demons straight from Hell. Drastic mental changes have also been noted. Bloodthirst, sadism, masochism, bipolar disorders, etc., developed overnight.

*sigh* Being the last skeleton monster, no one is left translate my words and the loneliness is getting to me. I curse this font given to me and the warping of my magic ever since the Barrier.

I have to take immediate action. Only a year has passed and already our little population is turning against each other. Fights are breaking out in the middle of town. Gangs are forming. Alliances are being created.

Experiments P_0- and S_0- will commence tomorrow.

I am ready to give away tiny fragments of my SOUL for this cause.


Gaster had sacrificed just about everything to create these prototypes and wasn't about to let them go to waste.


Arriving at the mansion, Geno quickly soaked in the events that were appearing all too fast before him.

The looming shadow of a house stood proudly before him, albeit with a few shabby patches. The purplish black mansion carried a sharp pointed roof, many black tiles faded into a dark gray, a couple on the verge of sliding off their perch. A long, metal ebony gate made its way around the perimeter of the establishment, bare trees and bushes huddled together in large clumps, prickly vines running rampant.

The sky was of a plum color, stars shining here and there, though looking as if someone had put a damper on their usually friendly light. The full moon waned in the sky and illuminated the area with a misty white light. Wisps of clouds drifted by here and there, though, somehow, with tension.

A foreboding atmosphere was all over the place, fitting in perfectly with the chilling scenery, and yet it was calming in its own way.

Nailing the look of doom and gloom, most people (in their right minds) would turn on their heel and book it.

The Dark Sanses and Geno weren't "most people". In fact, this was their secret hideout, more like Nightmare's mansion.

When the Guardian of Negativity fled his world, he stumbled upon this worderful sanctuary and had been living in it ever since. This allowed him to take shelter whenever the enemy attacked, for no one could penetrate even the first layer of the daunting forest without his invite.

"Well, here we are," Nightmare grinned, "Home sweet home.

Terribly untrusting of the safety of the bar, Error tugged the clingy children even closer to his chest. Something was going to happen, something big and bad that wasn't going to end in sunshine and rainbows.

How did he know? Well, you could say that he felt it in his bones. It was purely a gut feeling, but those inklings of premonitions often turned out to be true.

With those thoughts ingrained in his head, he tensed up, staring out of the window, still softly shoving food into the mouths of the Sans and Papyrus, who noticed his sudden shift in attitude and immediately started trying to cheer him up by hugging his arms, which his haphephobia forbid him to enjoy.

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