Ah, fuck! It's going to be a really loooooong story...

I ignored the voice because I was felling really good... Which is rare...

Kirishima's pov.:

When Bakugou hugged me back I felt like he somehow trusted me even if he knows me for like 10 or 15 minutes. I didn't want to break this hug but I had to. If we were standing 15 or so minutes in there, we have only less than 10 minutes to go to class...

After a few seconds I softly said "Hey, Bakugou. It's time for class! I guess you don't want to be late on you first day." I smiled happily and broke the hug. I was a little sad because it was really comfortable but I fastly got over it. I waited for Katsuki's respond while looking at the clock. We had 7 minutes to get in class. I really hope that This Blondie is in my class...

Bakugou's pov.:

I heard Kirishima saying that we have to get to class. I understand him but I was a little sad about it that I have to meet so much people just at once. I forgot about going to the bathroom because I only wanted to go there when I had this little panic attack. Then our hug has ended. I looked up at Eijiro and asked "K-Kirishima, do you know w-where is the class 1-A?". I saw in his eyes that he was happy. I didn't know why but I didn't care much.

I reminded that I still had dry tears on my cheeks so I wiped them off with my sleeve. I looked around and looked at the clock. Now there were only 6 minutes to the bell. I waited a little impatiently for Kirishima's respond because I didn't want to be late.

Kirishima's pov.:

After I heard Katsuki asking about class 1-A I got happy because he was in my class. And because of time I quickly said "You're in my class! Come with me!" I smiled cheerfully and started walking the way to class from time to time looking if Bakugou was walking behind me.

And because I was taller had longer legs and walked faster The Blondie behind me had to run sometimes to catch up with me. After a minute we got in front of the massive door to the classroom which had a big title on it '1-A'. I opened it and let Katsuki in first. When he walked in I walked behind him and closed the door.

I whispered to The Blonde Haired Boy "This tired guy in this yellow sleeping bag is our teacher. And because you are new you have to tell him some thing and it's all done!" I smiled and got to my seat.

Bakugou's pov.:

As I heard what Kirishima said to me I went to the desk and said to the teacher "Hello sensei, I'm new here.." I waited for the teachers respond. After him getting up and getting out of the sleeping bag he said to me with a monotone and tired voice "Ya, ya. You're the new kid. I'm your homeroom teacher Mr. Aizawa. Now I will introduce you to this class..."

He went to the middle of the class and shouted "YO CLASS, WE HAVE A NEW STUDENT!" When I heard him yelling I flinched a bit but happily no one noticed it. After Aizawa was done yelling at the class I felt all the eyes on me. I felt a little uncomfortable but I tried hard to keep it cool.

Then Mr. Aizawa said to the class "This is Katsuki Bakugou. He got one of the best results in this first test were you had to prove that you are good enough to be here and in which class you will be in. His quirk is explosions. If you want to know how it works then ask him. And one of the most important things... Go easy on him. I can't tell you more about it... And as I think Kirishima" He pointed at The Red Head. Eijiro had a scared expression. Probably he tought that he is in trouble but he wasn't. "You're going to introduce everyone to Katsuki." I didn't really listened what he was saying but when I heard 'Go easy on him' I felt like they now tought that I'm weaker than they already tought.

And they're right you big garbage.

After the introduction from Mr. Aizawa I looked around the class and saw a certain person that I never wanted to see again in my life...

... Izuku ...

To be continued...

A/N: 1497 words. Guyss! I'm really sorry for taking so long. I've got some problems but I tried to write the story as hard as I could. But now... There it is! I hope you enjoy! And to remind you, in this story Shinsou is in class 1-A and not Mineta. I need Shinsou in this story so it would be really hard for me to get the all class 1-B into this story. Sorry if you would prefer Mineta in 1-A. I actually don't hate him but I already explained this. Sooo, that's all! Buh-bye my dear! qwp

[DISCONTINUED!] I'm scared... Please, help me... [Kiribaku/Bakushima]Where stories live. Discover now