(6) We Meet Again

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Scarlett POV:
The drive home was silent.

I turned my phone off because my phone would not stop buzzing. If I even tried to talk to anyone I would most likely go off.

I don't know what I am supposed to do. It makes sense why he got so weird when he heard my name but why did he lie about who he was?
So on the ride home I wrote down options in my notes;

1) Never speak or talk to Kim Taehyung again. Avoid EVERYTHING to do with him.

2) Sneak around and talk to him on the low, but don't tell anyone.

3) Tell my dad Im interested in his worst enemy's son and crush his dreams of seeing me get married and having grandkids because he would most likely not attend the wedding and completely ditch me, then, get kicked out of the house which I wouldn't be complaining about but he's mostly likely going to kick me out with nothing and I don't have a job yet but Im looking into it.

So it seems like all my options will lead to me being in deep shit.

Taehyung POV:
When I got home I tried to avoid all the boys. Mission successful.

I laid in my bed staring at the ceiling for what seemed like hours. I couldn't get her face out of my head, but the thought of her being a Sinatra also wouldn't leave my head.

'I wonder if I'll ever see her again.
I can't see her again.
If my dad knew he would freak.
But what if he doesn't find out.
But what if her family finds out.'

I just couldn't think of any positive alternative except knowing I'd be with her. I just shut my eyes and dozed off.

Falling asleep with the thoughts of "what if..."

Scarlett POV:
I don't remember falling asleep. I guess I had to much on my mind.

I sit up and turned on my phone.

Samantha💜 (17)
Amber💛 (9)
Riley💚 (12)

28 texts from our Group Chat with all the girls and to sum up all the messages;



Riley💚: "What the fuck is with you and codes? She's not gonna know what that means idiot."

Amber💛: "I knew it. Her dad saw them talking. She's dead."

Riley💚: "Okay, but, can I just say, he is HELLA fine but Yoongi is even finer."

Samantha💜: "I swear, if Scar can score him that means I can get in with Hoseok. Period. Don't let us down Scar."

Amber💛: "Y'all have no taste in men, Jungkook is where it's at. Have y'all heard him in Euphoria?!""

Riley💚: "Okay, but how would Jake feel about that Amber?"

Amber💛: "How would GABE feel about you calling Taehyung 'HELLA fine' and 'Yoongi even finer.'"

Riley💚: "okay that's not the point....but seriously, we are actually worried. Answer your phone Scar."

I just realized what great friends I have. Not. I just answered with:

"Hey, I'm fine. I fell asleep last night and forgot to check my phone. Idk how it's gonna turn out but I can't stop thinking about him. I guess time will tell. Let's hang today. 12:30, Lily's Coffee Shop."

It is 5 minutes past 12. I get dressed and walk to the shop because I don't want to drive. I need some air to help me think.

Taehyung POV:
I woke up to sunshine hitting my eyes. I look at the clock showing 10:34am. All the guys go to work before 10. I get paid for photoshoots, I act in movies sometimes, I make music with my friends on the side, and do saxophone and photography on the side.

Namjoon is a Tutor, Yoongi is signed to 'Silver Records' and composes music, Jin works with produce in a Korean market, Hoseok has a part-time job and works in a very high end fashion store and does dance on the side, Jimin works and volunteers for the police, and Jungkook is in college but works part-time at a restaurant.

I'm meeting the boys at Lily's coffee Shop around 12 down the road just weekly lunch catch up. I always walk there because it's close enough and the walk is always peaceful.

I get dressed and do my daily clean up and start walking at around 12am since the walk is like 10 mins.

I'm planning on telling the boys about the party. They either have good advice or bad, depending on their moods. It's hard to keep a group of men happy but surprisingly we don't fight that much. Mostly it is just Jimin and I fighting over dumplings.

As I walk outside, I make sure to lock the door and just start walking slow. I turn the corner to the main street after walking for a couple minutes down our private street. Their aren't that many people out today, which is surprising because it's Saturday. There is only one person out walking, who is on the other side of the street. She seems familiar, I just don't know where from.

She is wearing a dress with spring colors, blue, green, pink, and yellow. She is wearing white shoes. Her hair was a light dirty blond. She kinda reminds me of Scarlett Sinatra but knowing her family they wouldn't live around here. The houses where we live are big and roomy and it's a nice area but her dad goes ALL the way. He needs everything big and expensive.

I start walking a little quicker so I can see her face.

I almost choke on my spit when I see who it is and stop dead in my path. She starts crossing the street to my side but she hasn't seen me until she steps on the sidewalk. She did a double take and then stopped and starred, while I starred at her. It was lowkey awkward but I don't think that was what we were thinking. I know I wasn't.

She squints her eyes and then rubs them to see if she was seeing correctly, as a joke. I couldn't help but smile.

"Taehyung? Is that you?"

I really be dedicated to this sorry I got to 1000 words 😌🤩 Hope you are enjoying!! 💜

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