Chapter 13: On the Run.

Start from the beginning

"Ms. Sara, I hope you understand when I say that for the time being, you will have to forego your private shelter. It is too bulky, to brightly colored, and would be a hindrance to your safety should the orcs catch us. For the time being, you will have to sleep with the rest of us, and I would prefer you to sleep in the interior of the group, and not on the edge. Bofur had apparently not moved out of earshot just yet.

"If I weren't on watch lass, you could sleep next to me." he called in a sultry tone. Thorin opened his mouth to answer the presumptuous dwarf but Fili beat him to it.

"Over my dead body," he said. "No heart sister of mine will be sleeping anywhere near you." He sucked in a breath looking to Thorin for his reaction to his words.

"It was only a joke lad," called Bofur's voice.

"It was a poor joke," came Thorin's rumble from beside Sara. "Get to your post toymaker." They heard footsteps recede. All was still for some moments as the three waited on tenterhooks for Thorin to speak.

"Since when, do my sister sons take a heart sister?" asked Thorin his voice low and his tone demanding an answer.

"Uncle we..." began Kili.

"Since the orc scout," stated Fili. "But in truth I feel as though a long time before that."

"And does Ms. Sara understand the weight of your offer, such as it is?" asked Thorin his voice heavy with implication. Neither prince said a word. "By your silence, I take it that no, you have not explained to Ms. Sara properly. You do her a disservice."

"I am determined uncle," said Fili with more bravado than Sara would have been able to muster. "I will make her my heart sister. She has already accepted my offer." Thorin's eyes flicked to Sara, but his eyes were unreadable.

"Indeed, are you?" questioned Thorin. "And how long will your determination stand against my sister, your mother?" They were silent again. "That's what I thought," said Thorin, and he stepped away to speak softly to Balin. Kili squeezed her hand softly.

"What was that all about?" asked Sara but they did not reply as they pulled her towards the others.

"Come on Sara, let's find a place to sleep." said Kili ignoring her question. In the end she wound up between Bilbo and Kili with Fili on the hobbit's other side. The day had been long and exhausting and it took Sara some time to find a comfortable position. She had cracked the ribs on her left side, her preferred side for sleep, but soon enough she was dreaming.

After what seemed like mear minutes, Sara I woke with a painful start, and for a moment she was afraid; the dream she had been having still vivid in her mind; but the hot breath near her neck was not that of a monstrous wolf but Kili who have moved closer to her in his sleep his hand grasping her arm. She looked to her right and saw Bilbo and Fili sleeping peacefully. Sara sat up slowly, careful not to waken her companions or jostle her ribs and looked around. She was surrounded by sleeping dwarfs, most curled up with their heads on their packs, though some leaned against the great rocks such as Bifur and Thorin were. Gandalf and was missing again. She spotted Bofur asleep, his hat still jammed on his head, at the outside of the group. She looked towards the setting moon and made out two silhouettes, those clearly belonging to Nori and Dwalin. Sara stood and made her way through the live obstacle course to where the pair on guard sat their backs to her. Thorin's blue eyes watched her go, before closing again, a frown on his lips as he tried to find sleep again.

The Undecided Title Of Sara Miller *Hobbit Fanfiction* (Thorin/OC)Where stories live. Discover now