Chapter 12: Reconciliation

Start from the beginning

"Did Dwalin or Kili send you?" she asked, pocketing her brush.

"I did talk to them and they both urged me to speak to you," he confessed.

"Oh," she said, her face falling.

"I'm not here because they made me come. I'm here because I miss you and I want to talk to you. That, and Kili misses you; he said you sent him after me?"

"I didn't want to get between you two. Your brother's so you should always have each other's back, no matter what," she said looking to him and rubbing the gold chain around her neck between her thumb and forefinger.

"Is it true? Is it true that you have no family in your world? No kin?" he asked.

"You really did talk to Dwalin didn't you," she sighed. "Yes it's true. I have no family in my world." Fili bowed his head.

"Dwalin also said you value Kili and I as brothers." He looked up at her. She thought his eyes glistened a bit more than usual. "Is that true?" It was quiet for a moment while she regarded him.

"Yes," she said finally, letting her hands drop from the gold chain and into her pockets. "Being around you and Kili feels like what I always imagined it would be like to have brothers of my own." He bowed his head yet again looking marosly at his boots.

"I have been a poor substitute for a brother," he said.

"I wouldn't say that," she replied softly taking a step forward though still not reaching out to him.

"I have been a terrible brother. I have put your life in danger to protect my own and I have offended you time and time again. I have not kept as good an eye on you as I should have."

"Yes," she said sarcastically. " You have been a terrible brother, because siblings never fight, always stay out of danger and trouble, and never disagree with each other." Fili snorted softly. She was silent for a moment before she continued "Look, I'm sorry for what I said to you. I never meant it to upset you, I was just so frustrated with you for attacking Bilbo like that."

He looked up her again "Why do you defend Mr. Baggins so vehemently?"

She looked him in the eye now. "Because the same arguments you used against him also apply to me; and it makes me feel as though you're attacking me or arguing for me to be left behind as well."

"I never meant to ..." he started, his face shocked as he took a step toward her.

"I know you didn't," she said not moving. " It's just that Bilbo and I both feel as though all you dwarves ever sees us as is baggage that must be carried. You never us as an asset simply because we're not battle-hardened dwarfs; as if that's the best and only thing that anyone could ever aspire to be. Well we never will be that, but that doesn't mean that we don't have our own strengths to contribute. However, it makes little difference if no one ever gives us a chance. I didn't bring up the river incident to point out your weakness; but the point out the only time that both I and Bilbo contributed. We would have been swept away in the swell had Bilbo not acted as he did; and although he may not have to be skilled with the sword, he used what he could to keep you all safe from the trolls long enough for the sun to rise." It was quiet for a moment before she continued.

"Bilbo was the one who found me when this whole mess started; and even though I was a strange girl who popped into his pantry with no explanation and no introduction, he still set me down at his table, fed me, and helped me come to grips with this reality. He was my first friend in Middle Earth and he has never stopped being by my side. Kili said something earlier that I feel as well. I don't like being caught in the middle." Fili shifted uncomfortably as he listened. "I don't like it when one of my friends speaks ill of another." Fili was still for a while before he took a deep breath and opened his mouth to speak; but at that moment they both froze as the howl of an animal reached their ears.

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