-xXChapter 19Xx-

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Jeongin walked the path near the fields. It was a bright day and he was happy to see his grandma again. The only thing he hates is the long foot walk, but it was hard to go by car, when his house were on area, where it was nearly impossible to go by car, so he had to walk. As he walked by, he spotted something. Stray dogs. A lot of stray dogs. Looked like the would busy be because they didn't sense Jeongins appeareance. Jeongin haven't seen that many dogs in one spot. One of the dogs, a big brown one, finally sensed Jeongin and growled. The others heard the noise of the brown dog and started to bark. They were scared to humans, so they ran away, leaving a big thing behind, wich looked....like a human...what? Jeongin heart raced by seing more of it. He was scared but he can't just ran away. Jeongin got closer and saw the dogs ate the human up. It looked like a boy. A boy with no face. Seing something that horrible Jeongin was near vomitting and near getting a panick attack. Jeonging wanted to scream but he froze. It was like a scene in horrormovie but then he spotted something else. A student ID card, wich was laying near the boy's torso. Must have fell out of his pocket. Jeongin grabbed it and read it. „Lee Minho". Jeongin said silenty, before he threw up his whole breakfast.

The first sentence Chan heard on mondaymorning was truly horrible. Minho, his boyfriend, was found dead. Most of the people think he got killed because suicide wasn't something Minho had on mind. He was too happy. Chan and his friends sat all together during the lunch break and listened to Changbin. Minhos death became the topic after it got spread like a virus around the school.„Jeongin found his corpse. Minho was eaten up by some strays dogs. His face was a mess. Poor Jeongin. Must had disturbed him a lot." Jeongin was Changbin's childhoodfriend and Chan saw him a few times. The young boywas always smiling. He would propably not be able to smile again. „I tell you, some crazy human killed Minho." Chan was still shocked by the message. He didn't love Minho but he was his friend and seing a friend leave is one of the worst things ever. Minho didn't deserved it. Who would be so out of mind to kill a human life? Who?

„Do you know, if Minho had any enemies", Jisung asked Chan. His boyfriend knew Minho the best, so he should know if somebody wished for Minho's death. Chan shooked his head. Everybody liked Minho. He was loved by everyone. Nobody appeared in his mind, who would do such a cruel thing. It was sad. So sad. His hear was aching. „Hey, I am sorry for you, losing your boyfriend", Taewoong said, while patting gently on Chans shoulder, if this could actually help to cheer him up. Chan was drifting in his thoughts, replaying all the short memories with him and Minho. Too short. Way too short. There were so many things left, wich he wanted to do with Minho. Chan felt way more sad, than he guessed. „He really loved you", Hansol added. „Do you want to be alone? Grieving over Minho? We understand it. We can leave you alone, if you want. „Please not", Chan whispered. He couldn't imagine himself being all alone in this tragic moment, after hearing this shoking news. Chan needed his friend more than ever now. Jisung hugged him tight. „I hope Minho's killer will get what he deserves".

Chan spend the whole day silent. He wasnt in the mood to talk. All he wanted is to think a bit longer over Minho, who had lost his life to a sick minded person. Minho didn't deserve passing by in such a horrible way. Everybody left Chan his personal space, because they knew Chan lost somebody today. After a few days, Chan was still sad, because he had lost Minho, Jisung approached him. „Hey buddy, I know this is a badt iming, but would you make a little speech with kind words for  the event for Minho in the gym? You knew him the best. The teachers dicided to give Minho a little event in the gym for saying goodbye. Now it was sure, Minho was killed. The police said it clearly. He was killed by blood loss by hitting. But the murder is still unknown due too less proofs because the dogs destroyed everything and messed up the whole place. „Sure...I think I can do it". Minho deserved a little speech. At home Chan wrote a long speech. Minho was still in his mind the whole night.

Who won't be happy about Chan still thinking of Minho? :')) Riiiight, Felix 0:

Hey kiddos, I need you! I want to write another ChanlixFF and I was wondering if you would like to read it then. About the plot, do you want Felix bottom x Chan top OR Felix top and Chan bottom? I would love to write both :'D Chan bottom is a whole new level, I tell you :'DD But yeah I can't decideeeeee. I could write the storys also as Hyunin, Hyunchan or Jeongho. But yeah the plot will be messed up again (pfft the plot is still too slow here)

Comment please, if you want another messed up story! Dear, ghostreaders, if you comment, too, the chance would be much bigger to see me writing this story, so please comment <33 I love to interact with you, guys. Thanks for reading it! <33

Felixity (Chanlix FF, english)Where stories live. Discover now