He takes a sip and then places the mug back in front of him. Swallowing his drink he begins:

"As you know, we used to run a protection service for a variety of companies that Mickey has set up as a way of the club making an income. I won't lie, we weren't a hundred percent legal but we kept it clean and we made sure that there was no issues that would follow us home."

"We started working with an out of town pub who were having issues getting their alcohol supply after a new competitor moved into their town. They had no proof but they knew pretty well that this group was messing with their drivers to the point that literally no one would pick up their orders. Mickey and I were on the run, disguised as just normal truckies when we had our first run in with the guys who has been messing with loads. They were a rough group of guys who went about trying to scare us into turning around and taking the load back but what they hadn't banked on was coming toe to toe with a set of bikers."

"The guys literally shit themselves when we both hopped out of the cab and they realised that we weren't just some truckies. Mickey laid down the law and even broke one of the guys arms as he explained to them how we were now protecting the runs and if they persisted in messing with them, they would have to deal with us."

"Those guys took off faster then a bottle rocket and we continued on our way. The owner of the pub was ecstatic that we were able to send a message and the club contributed to do the runs. All was going well until we had a call about a month later, totally out of the blue, the pub had been broken into and was burnt to the ground. The worst of it was that the bodies of the publican and his family had been found inside the mess, bound and gagged. It broke Mickey, he had established a good friendship with the man and he didn't take it too well."

"At the same time we had started to have some issues of drug dealers trying to move into town and that night your dad had been called to the local BnB where a couple had been found dead of a possible drug overdose. Mickey had caught wind of this from your Dad and decided to go and find out who has been selling on his turf."

"He took a few guys and it didn't take long until the found the guy hanging out down at the ferry terminal. Micky literally beat the shit out of the guy and then dragged the bloke out the board of town and dumped him there to make a point that we don't want that shit in our town."

"This was the first time we had a run in with the then Constable Tex Bryson. He was, still, a weasel of a man. You could just tell that he was not right in the head and seemed to have it out for us from the get go. As much as we denied any involvement, he was determined to try and shake us up."

"After that introduction he began to then start randomly pulling us over for apparent vehicle defects or would turn up at the club to do random searches. At the time Mickey lodged complaints with the station and eventually the Senior Sergeant got involved and Bryson backed down."

I lean back in my seat as I take in what Roo has said. In my mind I can feel that I am forming an opinion of Tex Bryson that makes me wonder what else this man could have done.

Roo takes another sip of his drink which leads to Jo beginning to pipe up. " At the time, drugs were starting to trickle still into town and the mayor had asked for an investigation to begin to look into where they were coming from. Straight away Bryson had blamed the Wanderers but the Mayor knew better, she knows what the Wanderers are all about and brushed off his response, telling him that he needed to actually gain some proof."

"She also spoke Mickey on the side and let him know what was going on. We all had issues with Bryson, he was a little 'slack' when it came to getting results about some local vandalism or a few petty break-ins that had been happening around the place. His solution was that it was the youth of the town, but we all know that the youth here are a great bunch of kids."

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