Jungkook spoke, looking up to me that just stepped into the mansion again. " I think so. " I said, placing my hands on my hips. " Go fetch her, Tae. Let me talk to him. " Yoongi spoke then walked away, probably heading to only God knows where Jimin is. I nodded then grabbed the car keys before walking out of the mansion, leaving the others at the living room.

I twisted the door knob, only to see the boss is punching the punching bag angrily, beads of sweats are sprinkled on his forehead. I cleared my throat while closing the door. " She will be coming later. You should clean up. You don't wanna look in this kind of state while discussing, right ? "

I said, chuckling while crossing my arms, leaning against the table that placed all kinds of weapons for training. I can see that his jaw clenched while slowly stopping from punching the bag.

" I'm not in the mood to look at her face

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" I'm not in the mood to look at her face. " His words caused my smile to fade away while I slowly straighten up my posture. Okay, this is bullshit. " Cut the crap, Park. Stop acting childish. Okay, I don't know what happened but what I know is, this matter can be discussed. So go take a shower and wait for her. "

I said in annoyance before walking towards the door and grabbed the door knob. " And I want you to know that I'm not talking to you as my boss. I'm talking to you as my friend. " I said then twisted the door knob and stepped out of the training room.

I sighed then punched the bag one last time with my hardest punch before shouting on the top of my lungs. You fucking don't know how I feel.. I run my fingers through my hair before kicking the table then walked out of the room.

I opened the door slowly then peeked inside. Jimin is standing by the balcony, half naked cause he only have his sweatpants on. I gulped before slowly stepping into the bedroom then closed the door silently. I then walked towards him then wrapped my arms around his waist, backhugging him.

" I'm sorry.. Forgive me, please.. " I said softly, pouting while burying my face on his back. It was a complete silence before, " Go shower. " I flinched as he said those words in a commanding tone. " But- " " I said go shower..! " He slightly raised his voice, causing me to immediately ran towards the bathroom after grabbing my clothes.

Shit, he's deadly, mad..

Few Minutes Later..

I stepped out of the bathroom, wearing a black night gown. I looked at the bed, only to see Jimin is sitting on it while playing with his phone. I sighed, drying my hair while walking to the dresser. This is gonna be tough.. His cold face says everything ! I hung the towel on the hanger then combed my hair before sliding myself beside him and tilted my head while staring at him.

He noticed my stare but I know he decided to ignore me. I pouted then grabbed his face with my left hand and kissed his right cheek softly. I then pulled away but my face is extremely close to his'. In a slow pace, he turned his head to me, meeting my eyes that are already on him.

" What.. " He spoke in his deep and raspy tone while his eyes looking deeply into my soul. I caressed his cheek, keeping the eye contact with him. " I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to say those things to you.. You know I love you, right ? " I whispered, bringing my face closer to his'. " You hurt me.. Your fucking words hurt me, you know that ? "

His whisper is simple but it's enough to make my eyes teary. " I'm really sorry.. I should've think before I speak.. I don't know what had gotten into me until I had the guts to say those things to you.. Forgive me, please ?.. I didn't mean any of that, I swear.. " I said while a drop of tear escaped from my eye.

He keep on staring at me that slowly pulled my hand away while looking down. I feel like shit.. I hurt my own boyfriend and here I am, apologising to him as if it's just a small matter.. Suddenly, I was pushed to the bed and my wrists were pinned to the sheets while his muscular body hovered above me.

I looked at him that is moving his face closer to mine. Jimin.. " If you are just my friend, I would have kill you for hurting my precious soul.. But you are my little sweetheart that I love and will love forever till I die.. " He kissed my forehead with his soft, plumpy lips then pulled away before leaning his forehead against mine.

" I forgive you.. But seeing you in this sexy gown makes me wanna give you a condition if you want me to forgive you fully.. "

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝓢𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽 ✓ Where stories live. Discover now