A Play

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We soon left Alec's hometown and made our way back to Volterra. The entire way, we did not exchange a single word. We didn't have to. It was as if we could communicate through our eyes, soul, and mind.....which we technically could. We arrived just in time for our evening meal. Heidi returned with one hundred and thirty-five tourists. This way, we could all have our share, and even seconds if we wanted more. The extra humans will be left in the dungeons for any guards who get hungry later on before the next feeding time. I looked around and saw that Heidi brought a great variety of humans with different blood types, as usual. She does her job so well. I saw a little girl that had blond ringlets and a pink dress. Her bright green eyes were full of light and youth. It seemed almost a pity that she had to be killed. Almost. But we have to survive somehow right? And animal blood makes us weak. It also reminds me of those retched Cullens that I killed last winter. I shifted my eyes to the right and saw a man with dirty blond hair and blue eyes. Hm. Good choice Heidi. Before I knew it, Aro was welcoming the guests to Volterra.

"Welcome all to the wonderful castle of Volterra. In here lies the greatest wonders the world has to offer. From the Dark Ages to the Renaissance, artworks and sculptures from renowned artists are displayed within these walls. After providing us with a feast, you will be free to roam these walls for the remainder of the tour." Aro said, shooting a smirk at the rest of us.

I chuckled darkly along with a couple of other guards. A human raised his hand and Aro gestured for him to speak. It was the same boy that I thought was intersting.

"What feast? Were we supposed to bring food?" he asked.

I couldn't help it. I burst out into laughter. A couple of other guards joined in. The humans looked around in confusion at our sudden outburst. Aro raised his hands and we soon quieted down.

"No you did not need to bring any food." said Aro, his the edges of his lips twitching.

"Then where is the food? You need food for a feast don't you?" asked the human in confusion.

"Why of course you do." smirked Aro.

"So where is the food then? Are you providing us with it?" he asked, his voice lacing with confusion.

"No, we are not providing you with the food." said Aro, enjoying this little 'play' in front of him.

"So where is the food?" asked the human, getting a little irritated.

"You." I answered for Aro.

"What? What do you mean-"

He didn't get to finish his sentence before I pinned him against the wall.

"Too many questions human. Use your common sense and observe your surroundings. Do normal tour guides have such accentuated beauty?" I asked gesturing towards Heidi who was smirking at my compliment.

He shook his head.

"And do normal humans have red eyes?" I asked, continuing.

"They're contacts." he said, trying to reassure himself.

"Oh are they?" I asked, turning my eyes pitch black and then back to red.

He gasped and started struggling. I purposely let him go. He sprinted to the exit which I quickly blocked him from.

"How did you?" he asked, his eyes widening in fear.

"Do normal humans have super speed?" I asked, flashing in front of him.

"Or superhuman strength?" I asked pinning him against the wall and forming a dent there.

He shook his head quickly, trying to wriggle out of my grasp.

"Have you guessed it yet dear boy?" I smirked.

"V-vampires." he croaked.

"Bingo." I smirked leaning in and sucking all his blood out.

Then the chaos started. Screaming from the pathetic creatures started and were soon cut off by the gurgling of blood. Within ten minutes, every human was dead. Hm. No leftovers this time. That's good I guess. This way, I don't have to listen to their pathetic cries from the dungeons. My room was closest to the dungeons so yeah. I felt warm lips on mine, licking off all the excess blood. I smirked and kissed back, tasting some of his leftover blood.

"Love you." I whispered.

"Love you too. Good show by the way." smirked Alec.

"Why thank you good sir." I laughed.

"Though I didn't like the fact that he was staring at you more in lust than fear..." he growled.

I laughed and kissed him on the lips again.

"It will always be you Alec. Only you. No one else matters. I will never love anyone else the way I love you." I smiled.

He smiled back and pecked my on the cheek.

"You better hold your word young lady. Or I'll make sure to hold it against you." he growled playfully.

I smirked.

"Oh don't worry. I will hold it against myself if I break it."

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