For the Very Last Time

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For a minute, no one spoke a single word. The silence was absolutely deafening, stabbing my ears like knives. Tears threatened to leave my eyes but I dare not cry in front of Demetri. No. My lips quivered and my fingers shook violently, slowly loosing grip of my phone. It sailed through the air but I caught it just as it was about to touch the ground. After fumbling with it for a second, I placed it back against my ear.

"Hello? Secret? Are you still there?" asked Demetri, worry lacing his voice.

"Yeah. I'm still here Demetri." I whispered, my voice very hoarse.

"Don't tell Alec about this. You know how close they were. Alec will go on a rampage and kill an entire state if he finds out. Those two were together from the very start. Even as humans they did everything together and since they became vampires, they were even more inseparable. It almost killed Alec and Jane to be separated on this vacation. I trust that they told you how they turned into vampires? If Alec finds out that Jane died because he wasn't there to protect her, there is a possibility that he will commit suicide." sighed Demetri. 

"Don't worry. I won't tell him. But do you mind telling me how Jane died?" I whispered.

"She was killed by a rogue vampire who wanted revenge on the Volturi for killing his mate." sighed Demetri.

"But why didn't she use her gift? He wasn't another mental shield was he?" I asked, confused.

"No he wasn't. But he caught Jane unaware and blindfolded her eyes when no one else was with her. She was unable to use her gift." grumbled Demetri.

"Oh." was all I could make out.

"I have to go. Master Aro is calling me. You should probably go see what Alec has prepared for you. Remember. Don't tell him." warned Demetri.

"Right. Bye Demetri." I whispered.

"Bye Secret. Have a good vacation. See you when you get back." he said.

"Ok." I said, not very sure of myself. 

Demetri hung up and I turned my phone off, slowly sliding it in my black purse. Walking outside, I saw that the sky was already turning pink. Huh. Alec must be getting worried. I walked to the garden and saw that he wasn't there. However, a note caught my attention. I ran to the tree that it was stuck onto and pulled it off the branch.

Dearest Secret,

Go to the Eiffel Tower. I will be waiting for you there. I love you.


I smiled slightly before sprinting off to where the beautiful lights illuminated off the dark night sky. As I reached the renowned monument, I started climbing it, careful to evade the eyes of those walking past the Eiffel Tower. Just as I reached the top, a pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around my waist and hoisted me up, warm lips on top of mine. I smiled and kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling back, resting my head in the crook of his neck.

"You look beautiful." whispered Alec.

"Thank you. You look quite handsome as well." I smirked, breathing in his scent.

He chuckled and kissed the top of my head. For a moment, it was just bliss. Nothing in the world mattered but him. But then came the migraine. It hit me like a tsunami, every cell in my head hurting like hell. It took all my will not to scream. I managed to hide it just so that Alec will not notice anything was wrong. We sat on the edge of the Tower, gazing at the landscape beneath us. 

"It's so beautiful." I murmured.

"Not as beautiful as you, mio amore." he whispered.

I smiled and closed my eyes. I opened them again when I heard fireworks go off. My eyes lit up for it was the first time I saw anything as amazing as this.

"'s wonderful. Thank you." I smiled.

"Of course." he smiled back.

Suddenly, a raindrop hit the top of my cheek. I looked up and saw that the sky darkened. More rain cascaded on us like a waterfall. Thunder cackled and the wind howled. But I didn't care. All I cared about was that Alec was right next to me and vice versa. He took off his jacket and draped it over me. I looked up and smiled, thanking him with my eyes. He kissed my lips as a 'your welcome'. I felt my body go limp under me and the cold was not helping with my condition. My head started to pound and my sight became blurry. Taking one last good look at Alec and kissing his lips, I leaned my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. 

"Goodbye Alec....." I whispered before darkness enveloped me.

The Seventeen Promises They Made  (An Alec Volturi Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now