Secrets Against Secret

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I slowly walked down the hallway, admiring the statues and paintings that have been here for centuries. Artwork by Michaelangelo, Da Vinci, and Van Gough were among the large collection. The sound of high heels entered my ear as I quickly spun around to see a woman with blond hair. She was obviously not part of the Volturi. She did not carry herself with the elegance and arrogance of a Volturi guard. Also, she had golden eyes. Ugh. 

"Who are you? What do you want?" I hissed.

"I-Irina. Aro sent me to find you so you could show me my room." she whimpered.

"Master Aro sent you hm? Well that's interesting. He has not told me about a stray vampire joining us." I mused.

Her golden eyes darkened in anger.

"I came to report a crime, not live or join you scumbags." she hissed.

I growled and two of my shadow children appeared. She immediately backed up.

"What are you?!" she screamed.

"Always the same question. My name is Secret, your distant relative. Bella abandoned me when I was a I joined the Volturi. Turns out that they are much better parents then the Cullens." I shrugged.

"You're a liar. Bella has never mentioned you before." she growled.

I rolled my eyes. How stupid can she get? I thought vampires were supposed to have heightened intelligence. Guess it only works on some people.

"Why would she mention me? I am a disgrace to the family, as she would call me. She doens't want to admit that she ever had such a 'disappointment' in her stomach. It's always Renesmee. Renesmee this, Renesmee that. Well guess what?! I am sick of it! Renesmee, my own twin, betrayed me so that she could be the center of attention. Her cherubic face can persuade anyone anything. Her gift is all about giving, and light and love. Well guess what. If Bella wanted me to be the evil twin all along, then I will be. I'll just show her how evil I can get." I hissed.

With that, I whipped around and stomped off to my room.

Alec and Jane were quickly running to the throne room for an urgent meeting called by the masters. Everyone, including the wives, had to attend. Well....everyone except for Secret. They walked in and took their place next to Caius and Marcus, overlooking the lower guards. Since they were the highest ranking guards, excluding Secret, they stood on the pedestal closest to the masters. When everyone arrived, Aro started the meeting.

"My dear seems that a battle between us and the Cullen clan will take place any time soon. Our dear Irina has informed me of a crime that they have committed. It seems that the Cullens have created an immortal child, which you all know, is absolutely illegal." stated Aro.

Murmurs of agreement spread throughout the crowd.

"We will need witnesses. Felix, Demetri, Santiago, Chelsea, Heidi, Corin, and Renata, if you could please do that, it would be great. Fifty witnesses should do. The rest of us will train for the battle. As you know, the Cullens are the largest coven excluding us in the vampire world. It is likely that they will gain help from the Denalis, therefore, we must be prepared for an ugly fight. Also, our dear Bella has become a vampire. She may have some supernatural gift that could destroy us. We must take precautions my dear ones. No one should overpower the Volturi." he concluded.

Nods rang out through the room. The assigned guards walked out of the throne room to find witnesses.

"When will we be leaving?" asked a random guard.

"Tomorrow." said Aro.

"Who is going to the battle?" asked Jane.

"Everyone." Aro declared.

Looks of surprise were in every vampire's face except for the witch twins, which kept their poker face.

"Everyone? Even the wives?" Alec mused.

"Yes my dear boy. Even the wives." confirmed Aro.

"What about Secret?" asked a lower ranking guard.

"She will not be going. No one is to tell her of this mission. She shall not know until the day that we are gone. Hopefully, she will not go after us." sighed Aro.

The witch twins looked at each other and shook their heads in sync. Oh, she will.

I heard the rustling of clothing from next door and went to see what was going on.

"Jane? Alec?" I asked.

"Come in Secret." yelled Jane.

I walked in to see luggage and clothes all over the floor.

"What is going on?" I asked.

"We are going on a mission and it will take a while. We're just packing for it." said Jane.

"When will you be going?" I asked, sitting on their bed.

"Tomorrow." said Alec.

"And when will you be coming back?"

"Hopefully, by the end of the week." smiled Jane.

I nodded.

"Ok. Well, good luck," I smiled.

"Thank you."

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