From Gold to Rust

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We finally arrived back in Volterra after our flight back from Seattle. Since vampires couldn't sleep, it seemed a lot longer for us than it would for a human. We got off the jet to get into the limo, Felix taking the driver's seat and Demetri taking shotgun. Jane, Alec, and Secret went to the back, walking to the fridge and taking out a bottle of blood. Their pitch black eyes turned crimson almost automatically. After two hours, the five Volturi guards finally arrived in Volterra, parking the limo in the parking lot and walking into the castle.

"My dear ones, you have returned!" said Aro gleefully.

We all bowed in respect.

"Yes master." I said.

"So. How did the mission go?" he asked, clapping his hands together.

"It went very smoothly master. When we arrived, the Cullens have already destroyed the newborns. However, when Bella tried to attack us, I ripped of Renesmee's head." I said, quite satisfied with myself.

He nodded and had this secret smirk on his face.

"Very well. You are all excused. Heidi will be arriving in approximately three hours. Until then, you may go to your rooms and freshen up. I know it must have been a long and tough journey and you all deserve a break." he said, smiling at all of us.

"Thank you master." we said, bowing once again and walking to our separate rooms.

Once I walked into my room, I threw all my clothes from the suit case into the laundry basket. The humans will be cleaning them today anyway. I walked into the bathroom and took a nice and long shower, soothing all my aching muscles, as if I had any. I wrapped a towel around myself and walked out to choose my outfit. I ended up with a short black dress and black heels. Just as I finished my makeup, someone knocked on my door.

"Come in." I said.

My door swung open and the person took a few timid steps before stopping a foot away from me. I sighed and turned around, looking at the person that I dreaded to see.

"How may I help you Alec?" I asked, more like mumbled.

"I would like to apologize for my behavior-"

I cut him off before he could resume his apology.

"No. You were right. I was a pathetic nobody. You were never wrong. I was just a prig. Thank you for making me realize that." I said nonchalantly.

He took a few steps towards me.

"No you're not. I'm so sorry. I was just mad and I didn't know what I was talking about. Please forgive me Secret. I didn't mean any of the stuff I said." he begged.

I cocked my head to the side.

"Why are you asking for forgiveness? The almighty Alec Volturi doesn't need forgiveness. He has all the women in the world after him. With every slut, one after the other. It's just like changing clothes on a daily basis. I was just another outfit for you. Well guess what? I refuse to be worn again." I snapped.

"No Secret! You know that you're not just a slut who knocked on my front porch. You are so much more than that! You are my blood singer, my la tua candate, my mate, my everything!" he cried.

I shook my head and turned back towards the mirror.

"My mother used to say that its okay to make mistakes the first time. However...."

I turned to face him, my eyes pitch black with betrayal.

"Making the mistake for a second time is just stupid."

"You are not a mistake Secret! You're not! You're-"

I cut him off by slapping him across the face. The sound was deafening. 

"Get out of my room." I whispered, venom tears brimming my eyes.


"NOW!" I screamed, pointing at the door.

I stomped out of my room, into the halls and down to the gardens. Alec followed me in hot pursuit, making pathetic amends along the way. Why doesn't he see that what he did was just too much for one simple apology to make up for? It feels as if my heart was shattered into pieces and the more I try to piece it back together, the more it breaks. I soon made my way to the gardens and back to my room, circling the entire castle once, in hopes of losing him for even a minute. I summoned my gift and three shadow guards appeared.

"What are your orders, Mistress?" they asked, bowing slightly in respect.

"Guard the room to my door. Let no one in without my permission. If anyone tries to come in, don't hesitate to hurt them. Unless it's the masters. They are the only ones allowed in my room. But do tell me before they enter." I whispered.

"Yes mistress. How long would you like us to guard?" they asked.

"For as long as I tell you to." I whispered, turning into my room, slamming and locking the door.

I slowly walked to my DVD player, playing a random movie that I found on my shelf. It turned out to be Romeo and Juliet. I scanned the movie, watching as the two sides rivaled over nothing while their daughter and son fell madly in love. In the end, when Romeo and Juliet died, I felt my heart mend just a little. By the end of the day, I have watched every one of Edgar Allan Poe, William Shakespeare, and Charles Dicken's dark stories. It mended my heart alright. In the most crooked fashion ever in history. I felt a smirk lift up on my face. My once beating heart stopped and shriveled into a black plastic of nothing. I walked to my balcony and saw two lovers fighting over divorce. I smiled as the girl threw her engagement and wedding ring at her husband, stomping off to where she came from. From out of nowhere, one of my shadows appeared, bowing.

"Mistress....a boy has been kneeling outside your room for over a week now. He won't leave." she reported.

"It's been a week?" I asked, my voice thin and airy.

"Yes mistress." she replied.

"Hmm...time goes by so fast." I mumbled, more to myself than anyone else.

"We tried every method to get him to leave but none of them has worked so far. What should we do?" she asked.

"Let him in." I ordered, not even knowing why.

"Yes mistress." 

The shadow disappeared and returned moments later with a broken and beaten up Alec. His pale skin was bruised and burnt with all sorts of tongs. His eyse were pitch black from not feeding. I stared down at him, emotionless.

The Seventeen Promises They Made  (An Alec Volturi Love Story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt